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  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(13)

    set up a demilitarized zone 建立非军事化区域"peace and stability framework'' 国务院台湾事务办公室"unilaterally change the cross-Straits status quo"单方面改变台海现状the Taiwan Affair Office of t

    2010-08-09 编辑:sunny

  • [翻译辅导] 口译资料:常用谚语(7)

    71.Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. 毒病要用毒药医。 72.He who never was sick dies the first. 小病不生,一病致命。 73.Sickness shows us what we are. 疾病使人显本相。 74.What can't be cu

    2010-08-06 编辑:sunny

  • [听力辅导] 名师汇总:中级口译历年真题听力原文合集(5)

    中口0209听力原文Questions 19-22(Man) What did you say you were going to take up as a career?(Woman) Law. Actually, I've already started. I began my studies at the Bartlett Law School of the Festoon

    2010-08-06 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(12)

    Cross-straits relation 台海关系defensive referendum 台湾防卫性公投Taiwan independence 台独the 1992 consensus “九二共识”cross-straits relation 台海关系status quo 现状China’s peaceful reunification.

    2010-08-06 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 汉译英高频词汇替换方案

    要翻促进发展,一律promote development;要翻许多,通通many。诸如此类的词汇,被笔者称之为“滥词”,即被用到泛滥的词汇。如果是追求反应速度和效率的口译部分,这样的译文当然没有问题。可是在时间充裕的笔译部

    2010-08-05 编辑:sunny

  • [翻译辅导] 口译资料:常用谚语(6)

    61.He that will thrive must rise at five. 五点起床,百事兴旺。 62.He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 忍渴上床,起身健康。 63.He who does not rise early never does a good day's work. 起床不早

    2010-08-05 编辑:sunny

  • [口试辅导] 中级口译口语开头常用句型模板汇总

    中级口译口语开头常用句型模板汇总· 中级口译口语开头常用句型模板(1) ·中级口译口语开头常用句型模板(2) · 中级口译口语开头常用句型模板(3) · 中级口译口语开头常用句型模板(4) · 中级口译口语开头常用句型模

    2010-08-05 编辑:sunny

  • [听力辅导] 名师汇总:中级口译历年真题听力原文合集(4)

    中口0209听力原文Questions 15-18(Woman) In the United Kingdom, the Open University has already been the symbol and pride of further education in Britain. Its history can trace as far as the early 60'

    2010-08-05 编辑:sunny

  • [词汇辅导] 口译胜经:中高级口译听力必背(11)

    巴以关系关键人物Yasser Arafat 亚西尔·阿拉法特Ahmed Qureia哈迈德·库赖Sheikh Ahmed Yassin 艾哈迈德·亚辛Ariel Sharon 阿里尔·沙龙Yitzhak Rabin 伊扎·拉宾Shimon Peres 希蒙·佩雷斯Ehud Barak 胡德·巴拉

    2010-08-05 编辑:sunny

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