[娱乐资讯] 莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥深吻66岁牙套女 为新片牺牲色相
Leonardo DiCaprio was photographed on the set of his new movie in Brooklyn on Tuesday, sharing a smooch with&n2012-11-25 编辑:ivy
[朋友一场] 听电影《朋友一场》学英语第09期:别做她的朋友
原文欣赏What the hell’s the friend zone?到底什么是朋友界限? See when a girl decides that you’re her friend.当女孩子认定你是她的朋友。 you’re no longe2012-11-23 编辑:justdoit
[可可专区] 听歌学英语:再给我一个吻 Blow Me(One Last Kiss)
英语歌词这位留着亮丽粉红色短发(现在是银白色),一身酷炫装扮的新世代辣妹Pink,有着菲律宾的血统,却在法国尼斯举办的超级模特儿选秀表演会上,一鸣惊人而被唱片公司发掘,并成为新世代酷炫乐团TLC的师妹。不同的是,虽然有着类似的外表,但除了酷似TLC以重节奏的Hip-Hop舞曲为主外,Pink更唱出足以和Janet Jackson媲美的节奏蓝调情歌,尤2012-09-23 编辑:Nic
[恋爱物语] 晚安之吻 温馨甜蜜或酸涩无奈的终场曲
So, you've had a great date, and you know you want to kiss her, and you're hoping she feels the same way... Here are some pointers to a successful goodnight kiss.在一个美妙的约会之后,2012-08-10 编辑:Amosway
[落跑新娘] 电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》(18) 在婚礼彩排中艾克与玛琪接吻了
原文视听No! 不!Maggie? 美姬?Uh, Mag—嗯,美…Okay, okay, okay. So if you were imagining me, y-you did great. 如果你幻想吻的是我,你吻得好What the hell were you doing? 你搞什么鬼?Bob, I’m really sorry.2012-07-21 编辑:jennyxie
[恋爱物语] 恋爱经验传授之疯狂热吻盛夏激吻有技巧
How To Kiss Someone PassionatelyNervous about your first kiss? Let VideoJug show you how to kiss someone passionately. Kissing tips, hints, and advice on how to perfect that kiss for that special per2012-07-11 编辑:Amosway
[托福阅读辅导] 新托福阅读材料:为啥说一吻定情
俗话说“一吻定情”,这其中也有一定的科学道理。好奇吗?那就跟小编一起,进入今天的新托福阅读材料吧! Winning a first kiss is enough of a challenge for most male suitors.But getting the act itsel2012-06-14 编辑:Daisy
[影视动态] 男女主角谈《超凡蜘蛛侠》体验真实初吻美妙
6月30日,《超凡蜘蛛侠》将在日本进行首映,比北美上映日期提前3天。最近,影片的男女主角安德鲁·加菲尔德和艾玛·斯通以及制片人在日本东京接受了采访,透露出了影片的很多细节!说到《超凡蜘蛛侠》与之前的《蜘蛛2012-01-20 编辑:beck
[大千世界] 热恋亲吻鱼拒绝两地分居
Two fish deep in love[qh]热恋亲吻鱼拆散后绝食[qh]Two fish in an aquarium at Zhumadian, Henan, will kiss as soon as they see each other, just as human couples do, according to dahe.cn. The supervisor2012-01-17 编辑:jasmine
[双语达人] 关于接吻你所不知道的13个秘密
Are you aware of a variety of interesting facts and details about a kiss? Is kissing good or bad for you? Can you slim down by kissing too much? Below are some of the most curious things about kissin2012-01-09 编辑:jasmine