[巴斯克威尔猎犬 ] 《巴斯克威尔猎犬》第4期:查尔斯爵士是如何死的(1)
How Sir Charles Died查尔斯爵士是如何死的When Dr Mortimer had finished reading this strange story,he looked across at Sherlock Holmes.Holmes looked bored.摩梯末医生读完这个奇怪的故事后望着对面的歇洛2012-06-05 编辑:rainbow
[巴斯克威尔猎犬 ] 《巴斯克威尔猎犬》第3期:巴斯克维尔家族的手稿(2)
Some of Hugo's drunken friends told him to let the hounds chase her,and so he ran from the house and unlocked the dogs.Then he jumped onto his black horse,and rode off over the moor with t2012-06-04 编辑:rainbow
[巴斯克威尔猎犬 ] 《巴斯克威尔猎犬》第2期:巴斯克维尔家族的手稿(1)
The Baskerville Papers巴斯克维尔家族的手稿'These papers were given to me by Sir Charles Baskerville,'said Dr Mortimer.'He asked me to take good care of them.You may remembe2012-06-04 编辑:rainbow
[巴斯克威尔猎犬 ] 《巴斯克威尔猎犬》第1期:这宗案件开始了
The Case Begins这宗案件开始了The September sun was shining brightly into the win-dows of 221B Baker Street, and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer. I had finished my breakfast and was readi2012-06-01 编辑:rainbow
[影视动态] 《黑衣人3》北京首映 史皇隔空现身对话中国影迷
5月23日晚八点半,暑期3D科幻喜剧大作《黑衣人3》空降北京双井UME影城,与纽约同时举行的盛大“双城”首映礼拉开大幕。在享受完106分钟的紧张刺激后,现场迎来了当晚最重磅的惊喜环节——现场视频连线好莱坞巨星2012-05-24 编辑:lily