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[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第58期:逃之夭夭
原文视听Did you think I wouldn't let you go to homecoming早知道你是跟托比·加瓦诺一起if I knew you were going with Toby Cavanaugh?我就不让你去返校节了What?什么You heard me.你知道的Yes. You k

时间:2012-05-24 编辑:finn

[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第57期:肖恩生我的气了
原文视听Um, we're sure Sean's coming to this?你确定肖恩会过来吗Yeah, why wouldn't he be?当然 为啥不来He's not really happy with me...他昨晚生我的气了not being there w

时间:2012-05-24 编辑:finn

[囧记单词] 囧记单词:adorable 可爱的
喵星人的逆袭!复仇喵联盟!adorable adj.可爱的,可崇拜的The avengers are not only powerful but also adorable!妇联的家伙们不光力量强大,也萌得不行呢!

时间:2012-05-24 编辑:Daisy

[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第56期:我一直守口如瓶
原文视听How are you feeling?你还好吗Why are you here?你来做什么I'm worried about Tby, and I think you're我很担心托比 我想也许the only person who knows where he is.只有你知道他现在在哪

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:finn

[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第55期:你想被解雇吗?
原文视听Um, hi. I'm looking for Alex?你好 我找阿历克斯Spencer? What are you doing back here?斯宾塞 你来干嘛Looking for you.找你啊The guy in the pro shop said you were on kitchen duty.小卖部

时间:2012-05-22 编辑:finn

[E聊吧] E聊吧第151期:相信我的话,准没错
网罗天下新鲜、好玩、有趣、时尚的英语表达,尽在可可英语独家专栏节目"E聊吧"。本期节目的topic:相信我的话,准没错Take my word for it. 相信我的话,准没错。对你所说的话表示十足的信心和有把握,就用这句话。【

时间:2012-05-22 编辑:Ukki

[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第54期:我的孩子从不说谎
原文视听You didn't know this.您对此毫不知情No. Yes! Of course I knew that.对 不 我当然了解I just--I forgot.我只是一紧张 忘了So where is Toby now? Do you know?那托比现在在哪里 您知道吗We d

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:finn

[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第66期:各种各样的雨
原声欣赏: We've been through every kind of rain there is little bitty stinging rain and big old fat rain,rain that flew in side ways,and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up fro

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:lily

[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第53期:我是有过前科的人
原文视听Can we at least talk about this?你起码先跟我们谈谈No! I don't want this in my house.不要 我可不想把这玩意留在家里I don't want it in my locker.也不想把它放在储物柜里I will mai

时间:2012-05-20 编辑:finn
