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[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第380期:apart
apart ad. 1. separate by a distance分开地The two buildings are two hundred meters apart.这两栋楼房相隔两百米。He and his wife are living apart.他和妻子分居两处。2. (from) except for除了......之外

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第379期:thrust
thrust v. push with force and suddenly推,冲We thrust our way through the crowd.我们奋力穿过人群。The soldiers thrust toward the enemy.士兵向敌人冲过去。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第378期:commence
commence v. begin; start开始After dinner, he commenced his homework.吃过晚饭之后,他开始做家庭作业。The meeting commenced at ten o'clock.会议十点开始。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第377期:HIV
HIV abbr. 【医】Human Immunodeficiency Virus艾滋病病毒, 人体免疫缺损病毒

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第376期:sign up
sign up (cause to) sign an agreement to take part in sth.报名参加; 签约参加工作(或组织)I hope more people sign up at the match.我希望有更多的人报名参加这次比赛。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第375期:distract ... from
distract ... from take one's attention from使分心Please turn off the TV because the noise will distract the children from their homework.请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使孩子们分心,不能专心做作

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第374期:threaten to do sth.
threaten to do sth. give warning that one may hurt or punish扬言要......Bob threatened to set fire to Jane's house.鲍勃扬言要烧毁简的房子。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第373期:the solution to
the solution to the answer to......的解答; 解决(解答) ......的办法So far a solution to the crisis hasn't been found yet.迄今为止还没有找到解决危机的办法。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第372期:regardless of
regardless of not influenced by不顾,不管She married the young man regardless of her parents' objecting.她不顾父母的反对,嫁给了这个年轻人。

时间:2012-06-14 编辑:echo
