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[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第391期:adopt
adopt vt. 1. take into one's family and take on the duty as a parent收养He lost his parents at the age of three and was adopted by his uncle.他三岁时失去双亲,由叔叔收养。His parents wer

时间:2012-06-25 编辑:echo

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第116期:911与英语(1)
今天《词汇大师》911在语言方面给美国人带来的影响,早在911恐怖事件之前,911就已经是紧急情况的呼救电话了……AA: I'm Avi Arditti with Rosanne Skirble, and this week on Wordmaster — language and

时间:2012-06-25 编辑:Jasmine

[趣图妙语] 十大引发你思考的创新公共意识广告
10 Creative Public Awareness Ads That Makes You Think十大引发你思考的公共意识广告You gotta admit that the world is ugly. Although World War II was more than 60 years ago, the world today is still fil

时间:2012-06-26 编辑:kahn

[科技资讯] 大学生巧用智慧 贝壳变肥料
Turning trash into treasure is a good idea. The problem is that it's hard to do. But a group of students recently succeeded.变废为宝是个好主意,可问题是不易操作。而就在近日,一支学生小组却成功

时间:2012-06-22 编辑:justxrh

[专业选择] 加拿大留学:三类工程专业及就业前景分析

时间:2012-06-21 编辑:Amy

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第115期:美国的取名之道(2)
今天《词汇大师》从美国的历史角度讲述了American和United States……早在1507,America指的是南美洲,因为那时北美洲还没有被发现。Americade的命名来源于意大利航海家Amerigo Vespucci……AA: I'm Avi Ar

时间:2012-06-21 编辑:Jasmine

[高中英语听力北师大版] 高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit23 Workshop-6
I'm sure that you'll understand, Mr Jeffreys, that we cannot guarantee one hundred percent that everybody will lose weight. Well, you should change your advertising then. Anyway, both

时间:2012-06-21 编辑:Daisy

[双语达人] 在校女大学生首次登顶珠峰
On Chen Chen's route to the highest peak of the world, corpses of mountaineers served as a reminder of how tough it is to climb Qomolangma. Chen recently became the first female college stude

时间:2012-06-21 编辑:justxrh

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 6:Language Point 32
accidentally (Para. 15)ad. by accidentHe accidentally met a friend of his when shopping yesterday. 他昨天买东西时偶然遇到了他的一位朋友。

时间:2012-06-21 编辑:Amy
