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[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 6:Language Point 72
...even if my shoulder muscle is sore. (Para. 13)muscle: n. pieces of spring-like material in the bodyIn order to build his muscles he does lots of exercises every day. 为使肌肉发达起来,他每天做大量

时间:2012-07-25 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 6:Language Point 71
I had originally planned to stay at this employment for only two days but now I'm going to continue. (Para. 13)Meaning: At first I had planned to do this job for just two days but now I&#

时间:2012-07-25 编辑:Amy

[大卫·科波菲尔] 《大卫·科波菲尔》chapter4:大卫和他的姨婆(3)
有声读物Just then a handsome but strict-looking grey-haired woman came out of the door towards me. I knew she must be my aunt.正在此时,门口出现一位端庄、严肃的灰头发妇人,她向我走来,我想她肯定是我

时间:2012-07-25 编辑:Jasmine

[时差N小时] 时差N小时:移除大肠毒素分子
It's three in the morning and you're awakened out of a deep sleep by a terrible pain in the gut. Was it something you ate? And then it hits you—that burger you had the other day was

时间:2012-07-24 编辑:melody

[时事新闻] 北京大暴雨致37人死 中国网民群情汹涌
The deaths of more than three dozen people in Beijing as a result of heavy rains on Saturday have prompted public expressions of grief and anger and led some in China to question how a city lauded fo

时间:2012-07-24 编辑:justxrh

[快乐职场] 职场压力支招:压力大也不慌,宠物狗狗来帮忙
London (CNN)-- If you are wondering how to improve morale, encourage collaboration and limit stress in your workplace -- without spending too much money -- maybe you should consider getting an office

时间:2012-07-25 编辑:Amosway

[大卫·科波菲尔] 《大卫·科波菲尔》chapter4:大卫和他的姨婆(2)
有声读物I sat down on the pavement and cried. Now I had lost everything I owned in the world, and had no money for the coach fare to Dover. In the end I decided I would have to walk there, and I sta

时间:2012-07-24 编辑:Jasmine

[圣母院《你会为什么而奋斗》] 圣母大学《你会为什么而奋斗》公开课 第20期:为和平奋斗
课程介绍:在本系列课程中,圣母院大学提出了“你会为什么而奋斗”这一话题,主要围绕学生们和教职人员的研究、学术成就和社会行动力展开。学院介绍:圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)创建于1842年,位于美国印

时间:2012-07-24 编辑:kekenet

[圣母院《你会为什么而奋斗》] 圣母大学《你会为什么而奋斗》公开课 第19期:为医学进步而奋斗
课程介绍:在本系列课程中,圣母院大学提出了“你会为什么而奋斗”这一话题,主要围绕学生们和教职人员的研究、学术成就和社会行动力展开。学院介绍:圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)创建于1842年,位于美国印

时间:2012-07-24 编辑:kekenet
