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[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 9
"Where's your money? Where's your money?" he barked. (Para. 4)bark: v. speak to someone in a loud voice with an angry or aggressive tone that sounds like a dog barking; in U

时间:2012-08-28 编辑:Amy

[留学资讯] 高中生2013年申请加拿大时间表
  下面为高二学生规划的申请时间表——2013秋季入学  2012.4-8月 (高二下学期)  1、重视在校GPA成绩。积极参加学校各类竞赛及课外活动,全方位培养自己的能力。  2、初步确定希望赴加拿大攻读的专业和学校。

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Amy

[2012年08月AP News] AP News美联社一分钟新闻:奥巴马推崇"劫富济贫",将加大高收入者税收力度
1.The Republican ticket is looking to attack President Barack Obama's stand on Medicare. Meantime, Obama told supports in Nevada that his opponent spending cuts would cripple schools while hi

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Jasmine

[澳洲签证] 澳大利亚留学:575签证(预科类签证)申请指南
  经济能力  申请人所提供的资金证明中的每一笔存款都须是在其申办签证前六个月就已经存入银行的,这些存款可以是以申请人、配偶、父母、祖父母/外祖父母的名义存在银行的。不接受申请人所提供的其岳父母、兄弟

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Amy

[环球之旅] 大学生出书讲述印度文化之旅
Zhou Liqun and Shen Yiming study unusual majors – Sanskrit and Hindi – at Peking University. 就读于北京大学的周利群和沈逸鸣各自攻读着一门不同寻常的专业——梵语和印地语。 This July, 27-year-old post

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:justxrh

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第153期:残疾人也能使用的网络

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Jasmine

[大卫·科波菲尔] 《大卫·科波菲尔》chapter5:大卫重逢老朋友(8)
有声读物At first it seemed very exciting to walk through the busy streets after a long day in the courts or at Mr Spenlow's dusty office, and know that I had my own home to return to. But whe

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Jasmine

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 8
"Hey," I said, "just take it." As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving as I did so to toss my house keys into a bush. (Para. 3)Meaning: I asked

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 7
"Give it up, mother-," he threatened. "Give it up." (Para. 2)Meaning: He asked me to give my money to him or he would do something harmful to me. The word "mother" is us

时间:2012-08-27 编辑:Amy
