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[科技] 经济学人:SKA项目由非洲和澳大拉西亚来合作完成
Science and Technolgy.科技。The Square Kilometre Array.SKA项目。Divide and rule.分工合作。The world's biggest astronomy project is split between Africa and Australasia. That gives South Afric

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh

[新编六级听力每日2题] 新编大学英语六级听力短对话每日2题第15期
听力原文11.W: Did you hear that Anna needs to stay in bed for 4 weeks?M: Yeah. She injured her spine in a fall and a doctor told her to lie flat on her back for a month so it can mend.Q: What can we

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amosway

[新编四级听力每日2题] 新编大学英语四级听力短对话每日2题第17期
听力原文13.W: Hey, if you can’t enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones? I’m preparing for the speech contest。M: Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize I’ve being bothering you all this

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amosway

[四级资讯] 大一新生英语四六级考试的两大误区

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:Amosway

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第155期:改善记忆力
今天的《词汇大师》讨论的是如何改善记忆力。其中一种改善记忆力的方法就是3R,three R's — record, retain and retrieve.我们只要把自己的头脑想象成一座记忆宫殿就可以了,在我们记忆的时候,要给所记忆

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:Jasmine

[大卫·科波菲尔] 《大卫·科波菲尔》chapter5:大卫重逢老朋友(10)
有声读物I had always taken Agnes's advice, and I did so this time. I do not remember how I got home, but I do remember Steerforth helping me to undress and get into bed. What a terrible, slee

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:Jasmine

[他她话题] 让今年更赚钱的六大投资思路
Dire predictions of market collapses and economic gloom in 2012 have so far proven overly pessimistic. But what should investors do to continue making money the rest of the year? 有些人曾预测

时间:2012-08-31 编辑:justxrh

[新闻热词] 热词学习:日本驻华大使车辆"国旗被抢"
8月27日,日本驻华大使丹羽宇一郎所乘坐的车辆在北京被人袭击,车上的日本国旗被夺走。中国外交部当晚就此事进行了回应,发言人称,中方有关部门正在对此进行认真调查。 请看相关报道:Chinese authorities are &qu

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh

[时事新闻] 英国现"空中百慕大" 大量鸽子神秘失踪
Pigeon racers are mystified after hundreds birds disappeared in an area they have now dubbed the Bermuda Triangle.数百只赛鸽近日在英国上空神秘失踪,令赛鸽手十分困惑,他们称这一区域为神秘的“空中百慕大

时间:2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh
