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[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 3
When I was growing up, ... (Para. 1)Meaning: When I was developing from a child to a man; before I had become adult

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 2
More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance. (subtitle)keep my balance: keep the even or equal state of my mind or feelings or body

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 1
A Good Heart to Lean On (title)Meaning: A good heart to depend on for support and encouragement. Notice that in this sense, "lean" is used with the preposition "on".They always le

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:richard

[综合] 60秒科学:大脑定位说话者
It’s tough to pick a familiar face out of a crowd—but focusing on a known voice in a noisy room is easy. And a new study scanned volunteers’ brains to look at how we solve the so-called cocktail p

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:beck

[留学资讯] 申请加拿大留学录取通知书包含信息

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:Amy

[留学资讯] 澳洲留学:塔斯马尼亚州是申请的好去处

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:Amy

[专业选择] 澳洲留学:商学院及金融专业具备独特优势
  专家介绍说澳大利亚商学院和其他国家相比特有的优势就是两点:拥有更多选择和更多的就业机会!  选择一:  课程设置合理(以金融为例)  时间合理:本科三年,硕士1-2.5年(1年,1.5年,2年,3年,可以根据自

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:Amy

[留学资讯] 美国社区大学同国内专科的区别之处

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第118期:disgusting
disgusting a. very unpleasant令人厌恶的,令人作呕的The bad egg has a disgusting smell.这个蛋变质了,味道很难闻。

时间:2012-04-25 编辑:richard
