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[七年级(上)] 北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Sports and Games lesson 17-2
Exercise 1.3 Work it outI can do the high jump.You can run fast.He can throw the shot put.She can do the long jump.I cannot do the high jump.I cannot do the 1500-meter run .He can run the 100-meter r

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:yanfeng123

[七年级(上)] 北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Sports and Games lesson 17-1
Unit 5 Sports and GamesLesson 17Exercise 1.1For boys ,there are ten events over two days.On the first day there is the 100-meter race,the long jump, the shot put, the high jump andthe 400-meter run.o

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:yanfeng123

[七年级(上)] 北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 4 Food roundup4
Unit 4 FoodRoundup 4Pronunciation Reviewcook book look womannoon room school rulerdancer writer actor doctorher shirt girl skirthe here hat himrice right red roomyes you your yellowwe water where wh

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:yanfeng123

[时事新闻] 时事新闻:铁矿石价格暴跌冲击澳大利亚
Australia's central bank policy makers are grappling with a new economic challenge for the resource-rich country: plummeting commodity prices. 澳大利亚央行(Reserve Bank of Australia)的

时间:2012-09-04 编辑:justxrh

[校园生活] 校园生活:军训 大学生活的"下马威"?
Although autumn is fast approaching Beijing, the noon heat still burns Chu Jinjing's skin and about other 3,300 freshmen on Tsinghua University's campus.尽管北京的秋天即将临近,但是正

时间:2012-09-04 编辑:justxrh

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第159期:OK来源于第八任美国总统马丁
今天的《词汇大师》讨论的是Allen Walker Read,这位美国的语言学家已经去世了,享年96岁。事实上,他以追溯词汇“OK”的起源而闻名。“OK”的用法来自一个美丽的错误,“OK”其实是“all correct”的一个错误写法,

时间:2012-09-04 编辑:Jasmine

[新编四级听力每日2题] 新编大学英语四级听力短对话每日2题第20期
听力原文11.W: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused. I can’t figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves?M: Why don’t you just go to the ticket window and ask?Q: What does the man s

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amosway

[留学生活] 加拿大名人校友你知道几个?
  加拿大毕业文凭是全球承认,在加拿大留学的名人你知道几个?澳际小编整理关于加拿大的名人。  多伦多大学  最美校友——林志玲  林志玲1974年11月19日出生于台北,高中曾就读于多伦多教会学校斯特罗恩中学

时间:2012-09-04 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 16
...are seldom able to identify their offenders...(Para. 15)identify: vt. determine exactly who someone is or what something isPlease note that you learned this word in passage B, Unit 2. Be sure to l

时间:2012-09-04 编辑:Amy
