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[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 50
... set out in an army vehicle. (Para. 3)Meaning: ... started the journey by riding in an army vehicleset out: start a journey.This phrase can be replaced by "set forth" or "set off&qu

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 49
... the North Carolina Marine Corps ... (Para. 3) (美国) 海军陆战队Meaning: It is a US armed force made up of soldiers who serve on naval ships and on land. The Marine Corps is also shorted as "

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 48
... Red Cross ... (Para. 3) 红十字会Meaning: an international organization whose aim is to offer protection and help to people suffering as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc. Its sign is a red

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 47
... a Marine stationed in North Carolina. (Para. 2)Meaning: a Marine who was staying in North Carolina for military duty.station: to put (a person) into a certain place especially for military duty.D

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 46
...emergency-room... (Para. 2)Meaning: a place in a hospital where people hurt in accidents are taken to for medical help.This is in American English. In British English this room is called "cas

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 45
From a worn letter located in his pocket, ... (Para. 2)Meaning: From a worn letter found in his pocket, ...worn: a. old and torn because of repeated thumbing through and readinglocated in his pocket:

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 44
...the man repeatedly called for his son. (Para. 1)Meaning: ...the man repeatedly asked to see his son.call for: demand, ask to seeThe customer called for the waiter. 顾客要服务员过去。This sort of w

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 43
...when he came to now and again, ... (Para. 1)Meaning: ...when he recovered consciousness now and again.come to: This phrase is shortened from "come to oneself", which means "recover

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 3:Language Point 42
... an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital. (Para. 1)Meaning: an ambulance sent him quickly to Kings County Hospital.rush: This verb has both a transitive and intransitive use. Here it is u

时间:2012-05-07 编辑:richard
