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[留学资讯] 英国留学:走访留英风暴中的伦敦都会大学
  上周三(8月29日)英国边境署的一纸文件激起千层浪,伦敦都会大学被吊销招收欧盟之外学生的执照,该校的2500多名国际学生顿时前途未卜。  根据英国边境署(UKBA)的规定,伦敦都会大学的这些学生在10月1日将收到通

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amy

[留学资讯] 澳大利亚签证申请中心将落成

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amy

[2012年9月AP News] AP News美联社一分钟新闻:美国总统大选如火如荼,两位候选人攻守忙
1. President Barack Obama is backing Iowa as he begins what he calls his road to the convention. He says Mitt Romney and Republican party are offering outdated ideas that are ill-suited for the count

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Jasmine

[医学阅读] 医疗英语:DQ冰淇淋被曝大肠菌群超标10倍(双语)
  International brands join list of bacteria-tainted ice creams  Mister Donut, an American donut chain, and Baskin Robbins, a popular international chain of ice cream parlors, said yesterday that

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 18
I consciously noted details of their faces. (Para. 15)Meaning: I looked carefully on purpose at their faces and paid attention to the personal specific parts of them.detail: n. a small part or pieceW

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amy

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 7:Language Point 17
...because their attention focuses on the guns, rather than on their users. (Para. 15)rather than: instead of; in contrast toI think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要一杯冷饮,

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amy

[关注社会] 大学生入学 家长花钱为新生不惜代价
Parents splurge on freshmen父母为入学新生大把花钱'Electronic products are a must' for new generation of college students电子产品是新生代大学生的必备物品。Duan Wei's parents ha

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:Amosway

[七年级(上)] 北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Sports and Games lesson 19
Unit 5 Sports and GamesLesson 19Exercise 1.1 Apollo Sports CenterDo you love sports ?Why not come down to the Apollo Sports Centerwith your family?At the Apollo ,you can do almost any sport you lik

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:yanfeng123

[七年级(上)] 北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Sports and Games lesson 18
Unit 5 Sports and GamesLesson 18Exercise 1.1 Excuse me .Can I ask you a few questionsfor our sports survery?Sure .Go ahead.Thanks. What is your name ?Robbie McBride.Okay,Robbie.First question ,can yo

时间:2012-09-05 编辑:yanfeng123
