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[六级听力考试练习] 大学英语六级听力练习(7)
听力理解11. A) She doesn't want to waste her film.B) She already took a picture of the mountains.C) She doesn't have any more film.D) She doesn't know how to use the camera.12

时间:2012-05-10 编辑:Daisy

[探索发现] 宇宙的形成:大爆炸(1)
Billions and billions of galaxies, the universe is so vast.We can't even imagine what those numbers mean. But 14 billion years ago, none of these existed until the Big Bang.The Big Bang is th

时间:2012-05-14 编辑:melody

[高中英语听力北师大版] 高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit 22 workshop 5
Speaking Exercise 1 Listen to two people discussing an atricle from a newspaper.Who has these opinions-the man, the woman or both? Have you seen this article on the environment? Yeah,I had a look. De

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Daisy

[留学资讯] 澳大利亚留学:四大名校录取政策变化分析
  近日,澳洲几所顶尖大学相继出台了入学标准和一些政策变化。针对这些政策专家做了归纳和整理,奉献给广大学生。希望能对想去澳洲留学的学生有所帮助。  悉尼大学  悉尼大学的变动最大,主要有以下几点:  

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Amy

[六级听力考试练习] 大学英语六级听力练习(6)
Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 passages. All the end of each conversation, one or more question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversati

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Daisy

[留学资讯] 澳大利亚留学:政府划分留学生危险等级
  中国危险系数最低,留学生申签障碍减少  澳大利亚移民和公民事务部首次根据学生签证申请者的来源国,对国际留学生的危险等级进行“三六九等”的划分。危险等级低的申请者面临的审核障碍会更少。据悉,中国被评

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Amy

[留学资讯] 普林斯顿大学 不贪大求全是其成功秘诀之一
  与拥有上万学生的美国其他名校相比,普林斯顿大学是一所典型的“袖珍大学”。蒂尔曼校长在接受《人民日报》记者专访时说了这样一句话“小就是美!”  也许,在一些国人心目中:只要一提起世界名校,往往喜欢用

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Amy

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第96期:词典的词汇筛选
INTRO: VOA Wordmaster Rosanne Skirble talks with a dictionary editor about new words.RS: Dictionary makers publish college editions each year. College dictionaries are defined by the number of words

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Jasmine

[英语语法大全] 英语语法大全(视频讲解)第二十一讲

时间:2012-05-09 编辑:Amy
