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[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第194期:pace
pace n. 1. speed, esp. of walking or running(尤指走或跑的)速度quicken one's pace加快步伐She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her.她放慢了速度,以便我能跟上她。2. speed of pr

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第193期:impatient
impatient a. 1. unable to deal calmly with sth./sb. or to wait for sth.; easily annoyed by sb./sth.; not patient不能冷静地对待或等待的;易烦躁的;不耐心的Don't be so impatient! The bus wi

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第192期:halt
halt v. stop; interrupt暂停;中断;中止Work was halted when the machine broke down.机器出故障时,工作停了下来。 n. a stop or pause暂停;中断;中止The car came to a halt in time to prevent an acci

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第191期:coordinate
coordinate vt. cause (different parts, body parts, etc) to work together very well使协调The plan was not very well coordinated.那项计划各部分协调得不好。We must coordinate our efforts to help pe

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第190期:inwardly
inwardly ad. in mind or spirit内心或精神方面She was sad inwardly.她不把痛苦表现出来。He is rotten inwardly.他变质了。

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第189期:inward
inward a. 1. located within; inside (esp. in the mind or spirit)在内的;内部的(尤指在头脑中、精神上)inward doubts内心的怀疑sb.'s inward nature某人的内在本质2. turned toward the inside向

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第188期:cripple
cripple vt. 1. make a person unable to walk or move properly because of damage to the back or legs使跛;使残废crippled by disease因患疾病而跛足的He has been crippled with pain.他因疼痛而走路一瘸

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第187期:severely
severely ad. in a severe or strict way严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地severely damaged严重损坏punish sb. severely严厉惩罚某人

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:richard

[英语语法大全] 英语语法大全(视频讲解)第二十四讲

时间:2012-05-15 编辑:Amy
