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[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 28
Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window. (Para. 10)Meaning: Some people look at you only when

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 27
He's not being honest. (Para. 9)Meaning: "He is, for the present time, not saying something honest. He is lying.""Be" is not usually used as the main verb in progressive t

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 26
The audience always believe what they see over what they hear. (Para. 9)Meaning: The audience always think what they see with their own eyes is more important than what they hear, that is, seeing is

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 25
My favorite is the kind who say... (Para. 8)Meaning: The public speakers I like best to use as an example of their sending mixed messages are the speakers who say...

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 24
Public speakers, however, often send mixed messages. (Para. 8)Meaning: Public speakers, however, often send confused messages that is, what they say does not agree with what they do.The word "sp

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 23
They communicate with their whole being...(Para. 7)communicate with: talk with others through means ofDeaf people communicate with sign language. 聋哑人通过手语与人交流。communicate with: share or ex

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 22
...addressing their garden club...(Para. 7)address: vt. direct one's speech toThe President addressed the Congress to review the past year and announced plans for the next. 总统向国会讲话总结

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语朗读] 新视野大学英语朗读 第1册 Unit 4:Language Point 21
The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a j

时间:2012-05-17 编辑:richard

[词汇大师] 词汇大师第99期:英文写作
INTRO: In honor of the new school year in the United States, Wordmasters Avi Arditti and Rosanne Skirble offer a lesson in writing in English.MUSIC: "Write This Down"/George Strait AA: Writ

时间:2012-05-16 编辑:Jasmine
