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[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第232期:start out
start out begin a journey出发Bill started out for school on his bicycle.比尔骑上自行车赶去学校。

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第231期:grow up
grow up develop from being a child to being a man or woman成长, 长大What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想做什么?I wish you'd grow up! (= stop acting childishly)我希望你能长大

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第230期:trifle
trifle n. (a) thing, question or activity that has little value or importance无价值的或不重要的东西、问题、行动、琐事、小事It's silly to quarrel over trifles.在小事上争吵是愚蠢的。I bough

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第229期:complain
complain vi. (about, of) say that one is not satisfied, unhappy抱怨;诉苦You're always complaining!你总是没完没了地抱怨。She complained to me about his bad manners.她向我诉说他的粗暴无礼。

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第228期:unworthy
unworthy a. 1. not owning不值得的;不配的cheap things unworthy of your attention不值得你劳神的琐事I am unworthy of such an honor.我不配获这样的荣誉。2. not suited to the nature of sb./sth.(与...

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第227期:worthy
worthy a. 1. having respect or careful thought值得尊敬的;值得考虑的a worthy cause正义的事业a worthy record of deeds有价值的成就记录2. (of) owning sth. or to do sth.值得......的;应......的;足以

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第226期:reluctance
reluctance n. [U] not willing to do sth.不愿;勉强She made a great show of reluctance, but finally accepted our offer.她极力表示不愿意,但最后还是接受了我们的帮助。He left us with some reluctance

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第225期:reluctant
reluctant a. unwilling and therefore slow to work with sb., agree, etc.不愿意的;迟迟不合作的;不同意的a reluctant student一个不愿上学的学生She was very reluctant to admit the truth.她很勉强地承认

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第224期:navy
navy n. 1.(一国的)海军an officer in the Royal Navy皇家海军军官The navy is introducing a new class of battle ship this year.海军今年开始使用一种新的战艇。2.一个国家的军舰及其全体官兵naval exerci

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:richard
