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[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第339期:literacy
literacy n. the state of being able to read and/or write文化;识字They were required to take part in the literacy movement.他们被要求参加识字运动。It is reported that the literacy rate is very l

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第338期:southeast
southeast n. the point that is halfway between south and east东南the southeast of China中国东南部The plane was flying toward the southeast.飞机在朝东南方向飞行。

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第337期:recently
recently ad. not long ago最近I have only recently begun to learn French.我最近才开始学法语。He has not been feeling well recently.最近他身体感觉不太好。

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第336期:educator
educator n. a person who educates教育工作者;教育家

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第335期:educational
educational a. of education教育的The educational methods of the West were introduced into the country.这个国家引进了西方的教育方法。He has been doing educational work for 20 years.他从事教育工作已

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第334期:educate
educate v. teach; train the nature of教育You should educate your children to mind their manners.你应该教育孩子注意行为举止。The cost of educating children has risen in China.在中国让孩子接受教育的

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第333期:publication
publication n. 1.[U] the act of making sth. known to the public; the offering of sth. printed for sale公布,发表;出版,发行那个政府不允许发表任何不利于国家利益的新闻。2.[C] sth. printed出版物Th

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第332期:video
video n. 录像,录像机I'm going to record that television play on my video.我打算用录像机把那部电视剧录下来。Videos on English learning are often played in the department.这个系经常放映有

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo

[新视野大学英语词汇] 新视野大学英语词汇讲解第331期:client
client n. 1. a person who pays a business person, esp. a lawyer for help and advice当事人The lawyer spent a whole day talking with his client about the case.律师就该案子与当事人谈了一天。His cli

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:echo
