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  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Reindeer Man圣诞老人和他的驯鹿

    国家地理:Reindeer Man圣诞老人和他的驯鹿There's a Santa's carrier.For Tom Scheib, today is one of those days he spends most of the year preparing for.Let's just put the harness out right here.This

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Is It Real? Miracle 

    国家地理:Is It Real? Miracle Cures 灵丹妙药When he is not on the road holding miracle crusades, he broadcasts to over 100,000 TV viewers a day. It is done by the power of God in Jesus Mighty name. So

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Halloween: Giant Bats 巨型蝙

    国家地理:Halloween: Giant Bats 巨型蝙蝠As the sun goes down every evening in northern Australia, millions of dark, huge, winged creatures dominate the skies.They're an imposing sight, but these blac

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Blood Diamond: Africa 血钻

    国家地理:Blood Diamond: Africa 血钻There's a disturbing side to the diamond trade--- the traffic of conflict diamonds, otherwise known as blood diamonds. This is Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leon

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Coffee: Beans to Buzz&nbs

    国家地理:Coffee: Beans to Buzz 星巴克的传奇It's 3 friends with gourmet taste on a search for the perfect cup of coffee that help jump-start the whole specialty coffee revolution in the US. In 1971 a

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Alligator Bites Scientist 

    国家地理:Alligator Bites Scientist 惊悸一刻Our next amazing rescue proves that working in an isolated and wild environment can be a risky endeavor. The llanos or wetlands of Venezuela, National Geogr

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Jerusalem's Most Holy 

    国家地理:Jerusalem's Most Holy Places 耶路撒冷神圣地The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Since the 4th century AD, it's been the holiest shrine in Christianity. Many Christians believe this is Golgoth

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:M1A1 ABRAMS Supertank-M1A1主战坦克

    国家地理:M1A1 ABRAMS Supertank-M1A1主战坦克Kill them all. You know I did and that was tough to live with, er, for a long time. I was angry, because the, the, the way we prosecuted that particular mis

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Attack of the Killer 

    国家地理:Attack of the Killer Bees 杀人蜂 Costa Rica, 1986.30 years after Doctor Cur's fateful African trip, graduate students from the University of Miami are on a field trip exploring caves.Moving

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Out of the Box 圣诞礼物

    国家地理:Out of the Box 圣诞礼物 For most of us, the season evokes a kind of universal memory.My strongest memory of Christmas is the tree with all of the presents underneath it. And usually in the m

    2007-08-26 编辑:admin

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