

您的位置: 首页 > 热门标签 总共有: 97 条记录
  • [大千世界] 大千世界:愿你在我的掌中安眠

    Meet Miracle, the tiny puppy who weighs less than a pound, is the height of a 50p piece — and sits comfortably in the palm of a hand.Miracle(奇迹)是一只小小狗的名字,它的体重还没有一磅重,可以舒舒

    2012-03-23 编辑:jasmine

  • [四级考后美文欣赏] 大学英语四级阅读:我与狗狗的约定

    A dog is our friend, who will never oppose and hurt us. No matter who you are, wealthy or poor,they will always be with you. Now, please read these pet`s commandments, which will help you get a bett

    2012-03-15 编辑:Daisy

  • [趣图妙语] 奥斯卡红毯模仿秀 宠物狗狗争奇斗艳

    Jennifer Basulto has created a range of tiny copycat Oscar gowns — exclusively for dogs. Her canine couture even includes a version of Angelina Jolie's much talked about black Versace dress, whi

    2012-03-09 编辑:jasmine

  • [E聊吧] E聊吧第73期:勤奋如"狗"or"马"

    网罗天下新鲜、好玩、有趣、时尚的英语表达,尽在可可英语独家专栏节目"E聊吧"。本期节目的topic:勤奋如狗or马【E Tips】中国人形容一个人工作非常勤奋,会用牛,蜜蜂等等,但是外国人呢?他们会用那些词呢?【讲解

    2012-02-09 编辑:Ukki

  • [他她话题] 英国大麦町狗妈妈一胎生15仔


    2011-12-29 编辑:Jasmine

  • [户外达人] 户外达人:脚踩滑板四处游荡的哈巴狗

    See Tillman the talented skateboarding bulldog ride his skateboard all around Los Angeles in this video. Tillman rides everywhere from the Santa Monica Pier to Dodger Stadium, and everywhere in betwe

    2011-12-13 编辑:mike

  • [户外达人] 户外达人:跟熊打架,你准备好了吗?

    Now science books will tell you that when you meet a bear in the woods you should avoid eye contact, retreat slowly and if it attacks you play dead, but that's if your avoiding a confrontation,

    2011-11-28 编辑:mike

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