[CCTV9] 部分工厂歇业以缓解雾霾天气
北京部分工厂歇业以缓解雾霾天气 CCTV-9 视频 新闻 工厂 休息2013-02-01 编辑:mike
[商务口语天天说] 商务口语天天说 第179期:怎样邀请参观工厂
If you are staying here for a few days, we'd delighted to see you at our factory. 如果你要在这里待几天的话,我们很高兴你能到我们工厂来看看。2013-02-01 编辑:Rainbow
[关注社会] 三星电子:未发现代工厂海格国利雇佣童工
Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday it found some problems with working conditions at the plant of one of its suppliers in China but no evidence of the use of staff under the legal working age of 16.2012-09-06 编辑:justxrh
[金融快讯] 金融英语:阿迪达斯关闭在华工厂
继耐克关闭在中国生产线后,阿迪达斯也选择在近期关闭在华唯一工厂。分析人士指出,耐克、阿迪达斯等外资服装巨头关闭在华工厂的主要原因是,中国劳动力成本近年不断上升。该工厂目前的所有员工将就地解散,阿迪2012-07-26 编辑:Amy
[关注社会] 钢铁制造商:安赛乐米塔尔可能进一步关停在欧工厂
ArcelorMittal has refused to rule out further plant closures in Europe as the global steel industry enters what some observers fear could be a five-year spell of overcapacity linked to signs of a sev2012-07-10 编辑:justxrh