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  • [他她话题] 潘基文2012年奥林匹克休战致辞

    The tradition of an Olympic Trucebegan in ancient times to allow safe passage for athletes travelling to the Games. This resulted in an environment where the true spirit of the Olympic Games was on d

    2012-08-03 编辑:justxrh

  • [校园生活] 美国高中"你并不特别"毕业致辞引热议

    Social media was buzzing about a Boston-area high school teacher's blunt commencement speech that told students they "are not special."社交网站上正在热议美国波斯顿一所高中的毕业致辞

    2012-06-12 编辑:Jasmine

  • [学习素材] 联合国教科文组织总干事2011妇女节致辞

    Message on the occasion of the International Women’s Day of the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova8 March 2011 2011年三八国际妇女节致辞联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜·博科娃2011年3月8日 Internatio

    2012-06-11 编辑:melody

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:怎样对新同事致辞?

    I am Peter, Sales manager of the company.我是本公司的销售部经理彼特。  First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.首先借此机会,我衷心感谢各位能够选择并加入我

    2012-05-28 编辑:richard

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