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  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(14)

    13,000 years ago, the ice age cheetah was the pronghorn's greatest enemy. 在13,000年前的冰河时代,猎豹是叉角羚的天敌。And pronghorn would have needed all their amazing speed. 叉角羚以其令人惊叹的速度著称。

    2013-05-17 编辑:Andersen

  • [GRE阅读辅导] GRE阅读:欧洲和African American艺术不同


    2013-04-28 编辑:Phoenix

  • [GRE阅读辅导] GRE阅读:欧洲和African American艺术不同

    关于美国白人文学与African American艺术的。包括4-5个题。文章里面提到了美国抽象主义(Imagism ) 作家庞德 (Ezra Pound)。文章是新老观点对比。先提出以前的学者对待AA艺术的态度,然后出现庞德,最后出现庞德和一位黑人作家兰斯顿休斯(LangstonHughs)的关系。

    2013-04-28 编辑:Phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(13)

    As well as being tough enough to stand extremes of temperature, they're famous for their speed.他们坚毅强悍,足以撑过极为严寒的气温,并以它们的速度闻名。A sprinting pronghorn can top 60 miles an hour and cruise at 30 for se..

    2013-04-26 编辑:phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(12)

    Beneath one mammoth's shoulder blade was the skull of a coyote, pressed into the ground. 在一只猛犸象的肩胛骨下方,有具草原狼的头骨被压入地面下,While we can only speculate on just how the coyote died,现在我们只能推断草原狼究竟是怎么死的。

    2013-04-23 编辑:phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(11)

    In a Colorado gully, 在科罗拉多一处溪谷中,hunters carried out a mammoth massacre, 猎人们进行了一场大屠杀,leaving behind the remains of at least 16 animals. 在这里留下至少16具猛犸象的遗骸。The site recreated here contains a treasure t..

    2013-04-18 编辑:phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(10)

    Colombian mammoths had to feed almost round the clock to fuel their bulky bodies. 哥伦比亚猛玛象每天24小时都在不停地进食来供养它庞大的身体。But as the ice age ended, food was not the mammoths' biggest problem. 随着冰河时代的终结,猛犸..

    2013-04-17 编辑:phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(9)

    Bison calves are born in summer and can run within a few hours of their birth. 野牛幼崽在夏季出生,在出生后短短几小时之内就能奔跑。They have no choice. The herd won't wait in its eternal quest to find new grazing. 它们别无选..

    2013-04-12 编辑:phoenix

  • [探索发现] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(8)

    The Osage orange seeds were carried far across the plains, 桑橙种子在平原上被带的很远,before being deposited, pre-packed in their fertilizer growbags, ready to take root.它们在重新觅得肥沃的居所之前就已经做好了生根发芽的准备。

    2013-04-08 编辑:phoenix

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