[金融快讯] 金融英语:南非不再是吸引投资的金砖(双语)
The contrasting fortunes of South Africa and Zambia in thepast month have raised awkward questions for the former2012-10-17 编辑:Amy
[2012年10月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:富人遗产规划策略各显神通 罗姆尼夫妇为后代下血本
中英文本The Romney family is a tight-knit clan, Mitt and Anne Romney, like many wealthy couples, are working&nb2012-10-09 编辑:mike
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室高级第21课:正确投资
点击此处免费订阅此课程Smart investing 正确投资By the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify legitimate and illegitimate2012-09-26 编辑:rainbow
[快乐职场] 了解自己长处 不需投资也能赚钱
How to earn money without investment: first rule, make sure you know your strengths, whether it's painting or&n2012-09-26 编辑:qihui
[《沃顿的学问》沃顿商学院] 沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第16课:保险合作伙伴和外部投资
沃顿商学院课程《沃顿的学问》第16课:保险合作伙伴和外部投资课程介绍宾夕法尼亚沃顿商学院商业分析的网络课程。在全球超过100w人正在注册使用该课件。学院介绍美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院位于费城,是世界首屈一指的商学院。沃顿商学院创立于1881年,是美国第一所大学商学院。2012-09-20 编辑:kekenet
[职场双语] 就业与冲突:赞比亚矿山的中国投资迷思
Billions of dollars in investment from China has thrown a lifeline to Zambia's ailing mines, but the money has also brought new problems, as Zambian miners at Chinese ventures complain about2012-09-07 编辑:justxrh
[快乐职场] 理智投资 30岁前成为百万富翁不是梦
Chris Palmeri (Senior Correspondent, BusinessWeek) gives expert video advice on: Can I really become a millionaire by 30?;What is the smartest way to get rich by 30?; Should I be aggressive or conser2012-09-04 编辑:qihui
[他她话题] 让今年更赚钱的六大投资思路
Dire predictions of market collapses and economic gloom in 2012 have so far proven overly pessimistic. But what should investors do to continue making money the rest of the year? 有些人曾预测2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 拳击手泰森将赴香港出席投资论坛
A buttoned-down state-controlled Chinese firm may have bought brokerage CLSA, but that's not stopping the company from carrying on with its trademark quirky party-cum-conferences. 经纪2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 关注社会:投资者对黄金前景表示乐观
Gold has been lackluster this year, but some high-profile fans say the future is brightening. 今年以来黄金一直表现平平,不过一些高调的黄金追随者说,投资黄金的前景日渐光明。 After soar2012-08-23 编辑:justxrh