[恋爱物语] 约会小插曲 拒绝别人邀请要礼貌
How To Politely Turn Down A Request For A Date如何有礼貌地拒绝约会请求。Lillian Glass (Communication Psychologist) gives expert video advice on: What are some polite ways to turn down a request for a2012-08-15 编辑:Amosway
[《绯闻女孩》美剧精讲] 校园青春剧《绯闻女孩》第29期:我用整个青春等待与她的约会
精彩点拨影视片花剧情联播剧说天下Dan: Hey, you're up.嘿 你起来了Jenny: And you're checking up on me. I'm okay. Really, I'm okay.而你来打探我 我没事 真的 我很好You know, I was okay when2012-08-14 编辑:Ballet
[洪恩小小幼儿英语(视频)] 洪恩小小幼儿英语第8集:Dodo’s AppointmentDodo的约会
Nini Teddy洪恩小小幼儿英语第8集:Dodo的约会 Dodo’s Appointment。 本节课学习最简单的数数,从一到三,数青蛙。秋天来了,容易打喷嚏Ah-choo! Dodo就一直打个不停,Dodo越好和池塘边的小青蛙唱歌的,这下也去不2012-08-05 编辑:kekenet
[他她话题] 屌丝福利:揭秘十大"必胜约会"秘诀
1.Pay1.付钱问题Pay for everything. Don't mention splitting the bill.If the lady suggests paying part of the bill, do not accept theoffer. If she insists, allow her to pay what she wishes (thi2012-08-05 编辑:justxrh
[恋爱物语] 说出你的爱 教你如何约会你心仪的她
Step 1 Decide whereDecide beforehand where you want to take her, if you're lucky enough to get the date. To a fancy restaurant? A movie? Something more original? If possible, choose something2012-08-02 编辑:Jasmine
[新闻热词] 新词学习:无聊约会中的"解困来电"
被家人逼着去相亲,为了能尽快脱身,你提前跟好友商量好,让他/她在15分钟后给你打电话,然后你就可以佯装有急事提前离开了。这样的事情有多少人经历过呢?在英语中,这样的电话叫escape call。 Escape call is a p2012-07-31 编辑:justxrh
[每日妙语时间] 每日妙语时间第43期:你知道怎么约会吗?
单词与短语:1.military:军事的2.press:承压3.double date:两队男女一起参加的约会原声对白欣赏:Rosie:I'm going to do some more military presses.Robbie:Ok.Everything all right?Julia:Yeah.Actually,2012-07-30 编辑:lily
[他她话题] 盘点夏日周末超浪漫九大约会场所
Pick a nice, quiet, romantic restaurant and take your date dancing for dinner. Make reservations well ahead of Valentine's Day to secure the location and time, then enjoy dinner and dancing w2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh
[科技资讯] 手机"伪装来电"成约会必备脱身神器
Most people have been there, trapped on an awkward date that is going nowhere. But relief could be on the way with a new app that provides an incoming rescue call.很多人都曾受困于尴尬的约会,无法逃脱2012-07-11 编辑:justxrh
[双语达人] 双语达人:十大"必胜约会"秘诀
在《傲慢与偏见》中,在最初的舞会上达西对伊丽莎白的态度傲慢,伊丽莎白也因受达西的怠慢,便对他产生了偏见。兜兜转转,最终才有情人终成眷属。古话说的好:“第一印象机会难得,失不再来”。赶紧看看男士第一次和2012-07-09 编辑:Jasmine