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[跟可可学Office口语] 跟可可学Office口语 第三讲:新同事
With a new employeeA: Hi there! My name’s Terry Graham. You’re new around here, huh?B: Yes. My name’s Mark Benson.I just started a couple weeks ago.A: Well, if there’s anything I can do for you,

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[跟可可学Office口语] 跟可可学Office口语 第二讲:好久不见
Long time no see! A: Hi, Jim. How are you?I haven't seen you for a while.B: I'm fine. I've been out of town. I just got back.A: Where were you?B: I was in New York for a wedding. 好久没见A:嗨,吉

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[跟可可学Office口语] 跟可可学Office口语 第一讲:Greeting 早晨问候
GreetingA: Hi, Jane.How are you doing this morning? B: I’m all right, thanks. Just a little tired.A: Late night?B: Yeah, I got home around two. 清晨问候 A:嗨,珍妮。 B:还好。谢谢。就是有点累。A:睡

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo
