[职场英语百科] 应届毕业生必看:德勤CEO给应届生的工作建议
就业难,不仅中国有,美国也有。世界著名的会计事务所德勤CEO乔-埃切瓦里亚(Joe Echevarria)就从自己的从业经历,为面临找工作难的应届生指点迷津,也为已经在职场打拼的上班族们提了点建议。2013-07-22 编辑:Aimee
[职场双语] 年轻也是资本:应届生求职的十七大优势
What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates&n2012-11-20 编辑:ivy
[职场双语] 毕业季:给应届毕业生的四大求职建议
转眼又快要到毕业的时节了,现在可能正是应届学生们四处投简历找工作的时候,来看看小编找到的这篇求职建议吧,希望能为你的求职路点一盏灯。 I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduat2012-06-20 编辑:kahn
[职场双语] 应届生接招:高管指点职场生存法则
Note to recent college grads and the Class of 2012: You may not be as ready for the working world as you think you are. At least, that's the opinion of about 500 senior managers and C-suite execu2012-02-10 编辑:jasmine