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  • [美容化妆] 美容化妆:5种人人适合的彩妆颜色

       When you're building your beauty kit at home, it's nice to have options, especially when it comes to color. Some women stick to the standard smoky eye palette and others are only comfor..

    2011-11-09 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 美容化妆:盘点史上最疯狂的五大美容方法

    In the quest for youthful beauty, no treatment is too outlandish. From the use of wild ingredients like bird poo and human placenta to plastic surgery for the nether regions, look back at some of th

    2011-11-07 编辑:Jasmine

  • [美容化妆] 人人都能成香妃:可以吃的香水胶囊

    Perfume in a pill? "Swallowable fragrance "capsule promises to turn sweat into scent.人人都能成香妃:可以吃的香水胶囊Pills for insomnia, pills for pain, pills for stress: They're all two-to-a-penn

    2011-10-28 编辑:Daisy

  • [美容化妆] 美容化妆:雷人瘦身秘籍 想减肥就关灯

    资料图:想减肥就关灯  If you're wondering how to lose weight, you're better off being kept in the dark.  如果你想得到减肥秘籍,最好一直呆在黑暗里。 资料图:减肥  According to a study, those

    2011-10-27 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 美容化妆:隔着玻璃晒太阳 变老7年没问题

    It's a well-known fact that shunning the sunscreen and basking in direct sun leads to wrinkles. But those who thought their skin was shielded while driving, or sitting in a conservatory, could..

    2011-10-21 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 女士注意:你的身材是"苹果"还是"梨"

    牛津大学研究人员发现,女性身材是“苹果型”还是“梨子型”是由她们体内的遗传因素决定。 Whether a woman is an "apple" or a "pear" is determined by a range of genetic factors, found researchers at O

    2011-10-19 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 美女必读:小心彩妆变成皮肤杀手

    也许你真的很中意那款淡粉色唇膏,可能你心爱的那支眼线笔才刚削去一小块,但是,你有没有想过,是时候该考虑新陈代谢了?没有谁想让自己心爱之物变成细菌的滋生地吧?一起来看一看各种化妆品的寿命吧! 彩妆寿命短

    2011-10-12 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 世界上最昂贵的头发护理沙龙

    A blow dry at a high-end salon might set you back around 70 pounds.    在英国,拿一个高端的沙龙来说,吹一下头发可能就要花费70英镑。   And even then, only a handful of people would be willing to

    2011-10-10 编辑:Richard

  • [美容化妆] 每晚睡足7小时 让你成为"睡美人"

    Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth, a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance. What's more, experts recommend at least seven hours a night..

    2011-10-08 编辑:Richard

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