[Bingo教你说美语] Bingo教你说美语 第28期:take高频用法
Bingo是谁?黑头发黄皮肤也能说道地美语?Bingo来了!让Bingo带你轻松拥有舌尖上的美语!每周二:场景的词汇和表达;每周四:美语口语小词;每周六:发音和语调。2014-02-22 编辑:Andersen
[The english we speak] The english we speak(BBC教学)第57期: take a rain
Hello. I'm a bit bored today Rob, what shall we do?2014-02-12 编辑:cherry
[The english we speak] The english we speak(BBC教学)第46期: take on boar
Hello I'm Li, welcome to The English We Speak and today I'm at the airport with Rob.2014-02-01 编辑:cherry
[The english we speak] The english we speak(BBC教学)第14期:Take the Mick
Thanks for coming with me to this toy shop, Li. I have to find a gift for my nephew, Dominic. It's his birthday.2013-12-31 编辑:cherry
[学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第1203期:Takeover
今天我们要学的词是disorder。 Disorder, 有失调,疾病的意思。美国全国睡眠基金会的研究发现, "The study found that watching television, playing video games, or checking emails before going to bed might be causes for sleep disorders,..2013-07-24 编辑:shaun
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第466期:犯错、道歉、释怀
Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。—— 绝望的主妇 it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve2013-07-16 编辑:jenny
[趣味英语起源论] 趣味英语起源论第265期:take a leaf out of somebody's bo
趣味英语起源论第265期:take a leaf out of somebody's book模仿他人世间万物的存在,必定有其存在的价值和意义,每一个事物的产生必定有其产生的根源,并非凭空而降。take a leaf out of somebody's book模2013-06-24 编辑:Ukki
[趣味英语起源论] 趣味英语起源论第212期:take a gander检查一下
take a gander检查一下 七步成诗的曹植曾经上疏向兄长文帝输“慺慺之诚”,“怀鹤立企伫之心”主求照拂(《三国志·陈思王植传》)。所谓鹤立企伫,当然是指盼望殷切,把脖子伸得像鹤颈一样长了。英文成语crane one's neck to see说的也是这个动作。2013-05-03 编辑:Ukki
[趣味英语起源论] 趣味英语起源论第180期:Take a leaf out of somebody'
Take aleaf out of somebody's book模仿人家2013-03-31 编辑:Ukki
[玩游戏学四级单词] 玩游戏学四级词汇: overtake 超车
Overtake Overtake 超车 来自 赛车游戏 在赛车游戏中,我们每超过一辆车,画面就会显示OVERTAKE这个单词,提醒你已经超越了另一辆车。要注意overtake与take over这个词组的区别,take over是接管之意,如接收、接管公司:A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans W..2013-03-19 编辑:sancyz