

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 妙招 的文章共有:46
  • [GRE词汇辅导] GRE词汇记忆妙招:悟空八戒偷吃天宫筵席

    如何提高GRE词汇记忆效率,巩固记忆效果呢?新东方网GRE频道为大家介绍一些趣味单词记忆妙招,帮助大家快速记忆GRE词汇。  悟空八戒偷吃天宫筵席  八戒口水dribble(往下滴)  大口大口gobble(狼吞虎咽)  吃饱

    2012-10-15 编辑:Mike

  • [健康幸福] 联想组合小妙招教你记住复杂的名字

    How can I improve my ability to remember complex or foreign names?怎样提高记忆复杂的或者外国人的名字的能力呢?To remember a complex, foreig

    2012-10-05 编辑:qihui

  • [学习经验] 应对2013英语大纲词汇变化的复习妙招


    2012-09-26 编辑:Mike

  • [明星访谈录] 访谈录:如何预防西尼罗河病毒

    中英文本西尼罗河病毒在美国爆发造成至少41人死亡,一千余人感染,且没有针对西尼罗河病毒的有效治疗方法。不过如何有效预防该病毒呢?威廉博士将为大家远离西尼罗河病毒提出宝贵建议,将病毒扼杀在摇篮里!So West Nile virus is transmitted to us to hu

    2012-09-24 编辑:mike

  • [恋爱物语] 恋爱物语:参加婚礼去?挑选礼物有妙招

    You Will Need你需要A computer with internet access能上网Money一定的钱财Thoughtfulness细心Steps步骤Step 1 Use the registry使用网络Couples register for a reason — they're politely picking out

    2012-08-24 编辑:Jasmine

  • [美容时尚英语] 美丽不要泡泡眼,速去浮肿有妙招

    You Will Need你需要Cucumber黄瓜Cold water凉水Tea bags茶杯Tissue纸巾Cold milk冰牛奶Cotton balls棉球Bag of frozen baby peas一袋冰冻嫩豆子Ice cubes (optional)冰块(可选)Steps步骤Step 1 Slice a cucumber

    2012-08-15 编辑:Jasmine

  • [职场双语] 职场"自吹自擂"四大妙招 你会几招?

    Confidence is key to getting ahead in your career, but how can you communicate your expertise without sounding boastful? To help you assert your talents in a polished, professional way, we've

    2012-07-20 编辑:justxrh

  • [职场双语] 应届生看过来:省钱省钱再省钱的生活妙招

    Once you've thrown your graduation cap in the air, it's time to face the real world. Although you're not in school anymore, you could still probably stand to keep your living

    2012-07-11 编辑:justxrh

  • [健康生活] 夏季减肥天时地利:各种妙招燃烧卡路里

    In the Water在水里Sure, we've all heard that swimming laps and water aerobics will keep us fit, but there are plenty of less fitness-focused activities that can also count as, well, exercise.

    2012-07-02 编辑:justxrh

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