

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 苹果 的文章共有:167
  • [关注社会] 苹果和三星为结案陈词做准备

    Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. turned to some high-stakes legal housekeeping Monday, in one of the companies' last chances to weigh in on nitty-gritty procedural matters before closin

    2012-08-22 编辑:justxrh

  • [科技动态] 科技动态:iPad2新设计浮出水面

    FedEx, proud partner of visionaries. Save 10 % on ground shipping at FedEx office over the UPS store. We understand, you need a partner who can help you save money.联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴。联邦

    2012-08-20 编辑:Jasmine

  • [科技动态] 科技动态:谷歌生产概念电视,苹果推出社交网站

    In today's Tech bytes, Google unveils more details about its move to television. Google TV which marries the TV and Internet will support apps like most smart phones. Users will also be able

    2012-08-13 编辑:Jasmine

  • [时事新闻] 庭审大战揭开苹果神秘面纱

    Struck by a daily onslaught of rumours and speculation about the next iPhone or iPad, Apple always refuses to discuss future product launches. 纵然每天都要面对有关新一代iPhone或iPad的传言与猜测拷问,

    2012-08-08 编辑:justxrh

  • [他她话题] 乔布斯传翻译笔记:老乔对苹果痛心疾首

    在老乔离开苹果后,这家曾经具有强大革新力和创造力的公司,已经毫无创新可言并陷入了停滞不前的状态。乔布斯曾希望苹果成为一家出色的消费品公司,("to become a wonderful consumer products company")

    2012-07-30 编辑:justxrh

  • [走遍美国新世纪版] 走遍美国Lesson03-4 做苹果派

    OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee.好啦 Philip。这是你第三杯咖啡了We should get to work,我们得开始做事了了or we won't be finished by dinnertime.要不然 晚餐时间到了我们还做不完I gues

    2012-07-18 编辑:echo

  • [健康生活] 健康生活:苹果连皮吃有助减肥

    Eating unpeeled apples may keep extra pounds and obesity-related diseases at bay, a study in PLoS ONE suggests. 《美国公共科学图书馆-综合》(PLoS ONE)杂志刊载的一项研究结果显示,苹果连皮吃能帮助减肥

    2012-07-12 编辑:justxrh

  • [科技资讯] 科技资讯:"小星星"吃到"大苹果"

    Members of Bibobox Studio didn't expect a call from the Apple team.Bibobox工作室的成员做梦都没有想到会接到苹果团队打来的电话。But that's what happened after they created a series of s

    2012-07-09 编辑:justxrh

  • [科技资讯] 传苹果公司正开发iPad Mini 对抗谷歌Nexus 7

    A new round of Apple rumors and leaks are suggesting what some tech observers have been predicting for the past year: that a smaller, less expensive iPad is on the way.关于苹果公司的新谣传似乎将证实一

    2012-07-07 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 股市看点:苹果的股票如何"保鲜"?

    Apple's shares are famously, and somewhat mysteriously, cheap. The company has doubled its earnings per share over the past year but the stock has a below-market valuation. The discount may h

    2012-07-04 编辑:justxrh

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