[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第212期:酒店入住之取消预订
正文部分Cancel a reservation 取消预订A: Room reservations. May I help you?订房服务,有什么可以帮忙的吗?B: Yes. I'd like to cancel a reservation, because the travel schedule has been changed.2012-07-10 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第211期:酒店入住之预定房间
Reservation 预定房间A: Room Reservations. Good afternoon.订房中心。下午好。B: I'd like to book a double room for December 6th.我想订一间12月6日的双人间。A: That's fine, sir. A double2012-07-09 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第210期:酒店入住之巧问巧答
1. Do you have rooms for tomorrow evening?/ Are there rooms available for tomorrow evening?/ Do you have any vacancies for tomorrow evening?/ Do you have a single room?明天晚上有空房吗?Sorry. All th2012-07-06 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第209期:迎来送往之道别
正文部分Say Goodbye道别A: How time flies! Mr. Feng, I must say goodbye to you and all the friends present.时间过得真快啊!冯先生,我不得不向你和在场的诸位道别了。B: We'll be sorry to see you2012-07-05 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第208期:迎来送往之送行
正文部分See off送行A: Now, it's 9: 30. We arrive just on time.现在是9:30分,我们正好按时到达。B: OK. I think I have to buy the departure tax.噢,我想我得去买机场费。A: Let me do it for you.我2012-07-04 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第207期:迎来送往之周密安排
正文部分Considerate arrangements周密安排A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Shanghai?请问您是从上海来的史密斯先生吗?B: Yes, I am.是的,是我。A: We have been expecting you. I'm Liu Li, t2012-07-03 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第206期:迎来送往之询问和确认
正文部分Inquire and Confirm询问和确认A: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Rex Smith?对不起,您是勒克斯·史密斯先生吗?B: Yes, I am. And are you Mr. Li?我就是。您是李先生吧?A: No sir, I'm not. I'2012-07-02 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第205期:迎来送往之在宾馆的路上
正文部分On the road to the hotel在宾馆的路上A: Is this the first time you have come to China?你是第一次来中国吗?B: No, this is already the 5th time. But it is the first time for me to come to Dalian2012-06-29 编辑:rainbow
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第204期:迎来送往之迎接客户
正文部分Receive the customer迎接客户A: Good morning, Mr. Jackson. Welcome to Shanghai.早上好!杰克逊先生,欢迎来到上海。B: Good morning!早上好!A: Mr. Jackson, did you have a good flight?杰克逊先生,2012-06-28 编辑:rainbow