

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 之旅 的文章共有:161
  • [雅思动态] 雅思口语激情之旅:Relationship1

    嚯嚯,昨天的那首"Lost Youself" 不知喜欢否?今天起会分十个话题来练习口语部分,每个话题也是按照Speaking 的Part 1,Part 2,Part 3三个部分来展开。我挑选的是比较丰富和全面的答案,每天讲解两三个。But to

    2011-10-25 编辑:rainbow

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:新婚夫妇的蜜月圣地圣卢西亚

    It is a hodgepodge of France and Britain and is really a wonderful place to choose for the honeymoon. Sip cool tropical drinks amidst a lovely rain forest. The ocean view is really clear and pleasin

    2011-10-25 编辑:Mike

  • [服饰搭配] 服饰搭配:长款背心让自己苗条又保暖

    On fall days that are chilly, but aren't downright cold, look for a long vest that hits just below the widest point of your hips.This length will help make you look slender while the vest will..

    2011-10-24 编辑:Mike

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:新婚夫妇的蜜月圣地斐济

    Fiji has got around 330 islands about 1900 miles from Sydney, Australia. Along with the good scenery of Fiji, the people there are also very friendly and say"Bula"(hello) whenever they sp..

    2011-10-24 编辑:Mike

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:新婚夫妇的蜜月圣地牙买加

    This place has got all the attractions which a good honeymoon spot offers and has three main beaches. Montego is a cool place but not that good in nightlife so in advance sorry to the night lovers.

    2011-10-21 编辑:Mike

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:布达拉宫神圣之行


    2011-10-21 编辑:Daisy

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:美到令人尖叫的十大奢华游泳池

    游泳乐趣无边,在世界上最漂亮的泳池里游泳更是绝妙享受,包你终身难忘。以下盘点的十大最美泳池从南到北,从平原到高山,从热带风光到雪山美景,只要你想得到的旅游胜地,都会有漂亮的泳池恭候大驾。Alila Uluwat

    2011-10-21 编辑:Lily

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:西藏的著名十大景点

    Hello! 大家好,我是Daisy小编,今天我想带着大家去溜溜咱们的圣地--西藏高原,小编我可是迫不及待的想去看看西藏这些标志性的景点。那么景点中最有名气的就是这布达拉宫啦!它可是Top1哦!我会具体介绍介绍这些有

    2011-10-20 编辑:Daisy

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:新加坡奇妙建筑彰显人与自然的和谐

    The Meera House was designed by Guz Architects and is located on the island of Sentosa in Singapore. We consider it a daring and original project- after all, not many homes feature green spaces for

    2011-10-17 编辑:Richard

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