[环球之旅] 世界之旅:ELYSEE PALACE (法国爱丽舍宫)
The Elysee Palace in France enjoys equal popularity in the worldwith the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russiaas well as the White House in the U.S. It is the risidence of th2008-07-24 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:Dream of DunHuang(梦回敦煌)
DunHuang is the name of the city. It is located between Urumgi and Yumen. It was an oasis irrigated by the Tang River and began to serve as an important way staion on the main trade route between Chi2008-04-16 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:The Holy See(世界最小的国家梵蒂冈)
Country (long form):The Holy See (State of the Vatican City)国家Capital : Vatican City首都Total Area :0.17 sq mi/0.44 sq km(about 0.7 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC)总面积(相2008-03-12 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:Spotlight on Athens(雅典风情)
Athens—the name brings to mind buildings with tall, white columns2 and statues3 of Greek gods and goddesses. Museums take visitors back to the time of ancient Greece. When visiting the city, visitor2008-03-12 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:The dead sea (地球表面最低点——死海
The Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth and the largest "Natural Spa" in the world, is also one of the world's true natural wonders and a unique tourism destination. Starting with the..2008-03-12 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:Baikal Lake (贝加尔湖--西伯利亚)
Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖 俄语: О́зеро Байка́法語: Lac Baïkal Crescent-shaped lake Baikal, in Siberia, is only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 462008-03-12 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:Angkor Wat, Cambodia(柬埔寨吴哥窟&nb
提到吴哥窟,人们自然会想起《花样年华》的最后一幕:一个男人将无法对人倾诉,甚至自己都无法面对的一段情感秘密讲给吴哥窟的一个石洞听,再把它盖上,让发生在花样年华的故事从此留在吴哥,这里的一切,包括他的秘2008-03-11 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:The Eiffel Tower, (艾菲尔铁塔)
Eiffel Tower, the symbol of Paris was built in 1887 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. It is named after its designer, Eiffel. The 320-meter-high tower is a hollow steel f2008-03-11 编辑:echo
[环球之旅] 世界之旅:Bermuda(神奇百慕大)
“19飞行中队”,也就是人们所熟知的“失踪的巡逻队”,由美国海军五架“复仇者”鱼雷轰炸机组成,该编队在1945年12月5日从罗德达尔堡起飞执行一项任务时神秘失踪,没有留下任何痕迹。该飞行中队的27名成员在那天夜2008-03-11 编辑:echo