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  • [他她话题] 爱情中的5个妥协与5个决不妥协

    吃饭1. Fighting over dinner plans- You want Japanese and he wants Italian. Don't let your craving for sushi ruin your night. If you chose the last restaurant, then let him have his pasta this tim..

    2010-03-03 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 聪明女人要知道男人的10件事

    喜欢被别人赞扬1. Even Men Like Compliments Every Once in a WhileReal guys, or so the story goes, don’t need praise. Especially not about girlish things, like if those jeans show off our assets. But

    2010-03-02 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 7个不可不知的爱情常识

    At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?"  The other woman replied, "Yes I am, I married the wrong man either&..

    2010-03-01 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 婚前必问的4个金钱问题

    1 What Are Your Assets and Liabilities?  问题一:你的资产和负债状况如何?  This question is paramount because assets and liabilities are the basic building blocks of the financial life you'll li

    2010-02-24 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 让爱情更坚固的5个小秘密

    找到折衷点1. 找到折衷点。“婚姻就得互相迁就。” 亚利桑那州图桑市(Tucson)一位退休的医院院长玛琳•克里奇(Marlene Critch)说。1959年,她经人介绍认识了自己未来的丈夫比尔(Bill)。比尔带了一水壶的酒,邀

    2010-02-23 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 男人比不上女人的10件事

    女人比男人进化的更美1. We evolve hotter.A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution; meanwhile, men are staying the same. After following more than 2,000 people th

    2010-02-22 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 浪漫情人节礼物之男生篇

    约会期Getting a Date 约会   Chocolates  Chocolates are a great noncommittal gift. Everybody loves a sweet treat, and the chocolates have a plethora of tastes, so you’re sure to get rave reviews

    2010-02-09 编辑:admin

  • [他她话题] 美国大龄单身上网求爱日渐流行

    英语原文  Any lingering stigma about finding true love online seems to be fading, particularly among older adults, researchers found。  Ina study of 175 newlywed couples scientists at Iowa State

    2010-02-09 编辑:admin

  • [他她话题] 不服不行:超级有才的绝妙情书


    2009-12-27 编辑:admin

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