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  • [他她话题] 10个搬家前的整理小帖士

    用小箱子Small boxes are a godsend. Large boxes become too heavy and unwieldy fast. It’s a lot easier to deal with lots of small boxes rather than fewer big ones that are too heavy to lift. As a rule

    2010-03-23 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 史上最经典,最感人的9封情书

    "I can't wait to crawl in bed with you tonight. Pray that my flights are smooth w/ no delays. By the way, I'm sleeping in tomorrow. -Are we really waiting till 2011 for babies?"W..

    2010-03-19 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 打造完美快乐爱情的10要素

    你爱他/她1. Tell your partner you love them.  Although it’s true that actions speak louder than words, words often speak more clearly than actions. Take a moment every now and then to verbalize yo

    2010-03-17 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 你今天应该微笑的10个理由

    1. Watching cream go into coffee1. 看着奶油溶进咖啡里2. Letting the waves bury your feet at the beach2. 在沙滩上,让海浪淹没你的双脚3. Learning a new keyboard shortcut3. 学会用新的键盘快捷键4. Lookin

    2010-03-15 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 女人最不能忍受的5类男人

    不负责任Being irresponsibleWars, genocide, death- and concentration-camps, constructing and using atomic bombs, weird genetic experiments, all this has been done by men because they like to do whatev

    2010-03-11 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 男人出轨与智商高低有关

    Deceitful and despicable is one description that wronged wives could apply to their cheating husbands.欺诈和卑鄙是受害妻子描述出轨丈夫的词汇。Plain stupid is another. For scientists have concluded th

    2010-03-11 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 快速走出抑郁心理的6个方法

    Step 1. Realize that depression is not a sin but a symptom. The way we respond to depression may be sinful, but the emotion itself is not. Sin may lead to depression, but all depression does not come

    2010-03-09 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 举办婚礼前要知道的10件事

    婚日择在淡季1) Schedule your wedding during your locale's off-season (usually November through March). Most venues reduce their prices during these times. Other vendors may also offer lower, more fl

    2010-03-05 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 聪明女人过日子7招

    处理旧衣服1. Plan a swap meet. Organize a group of friends with similar styles; everyone brings rarely or unworn clothing and walks away with some new (to them) styles.旧衣服交换会。自发组织一个交换自

    2010-03-04 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 爱情中的5个妥协与5个决不妥协

    吃饭1. Fighting over dinner plans- You want Japanese and he wants Italian. Don't let your craving for sushi ruin your night. If you chose the last restaurant, then let him have his pasta this tim..

    2010-03-03 编辑:vicki

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