[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(8)
1.Everyone has his inherent ability ,________________ (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖). 2.The importance of traffic safety , _________________ (无论如何强调都不为过). 3.In my opinion , ______________2010-12-03 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(7)
1. We need not only be under various external pressures, but also _____________ (也要面对内心的困惑). 2. Would you _______________(愿意来参加我们的晚会)on Friday? 3. After the operation, _____2010-12-02 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(6)
1. The finding of this study failed to _________________ (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内).2. The prevent and treatment of AIDS is __________________ (我们可以合作的领域).3. Because of the leg injury, the a2010-12-01 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 新东方名师指导英语六级翻译最后提分技巧
解题技巧 翻译是很多考生选择放弃的题型,因为它排在试题最后,建议时间只有5分钟,分值只占5%。其实这样做是挺可惜的,因为翻译的评分标准比大部分同学想象的要宽松的多。以2009年6月的翻译真题第一题为例:2010-11-30 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(5)
1. He is ________________ (他与其说是个学者)as a writer. 2. The parents should also set the kids free _______________ (以便他们自己做选择). 3. Some freshmen _____________(打定主意)to pursue a2010-11-30 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(4)
1. One need only ask first-year university students what music they listen to , how much of it and what it means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, that it beg2010-11-29 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(3)
1. _____________ (为了维护健康),there are at least three things we can do every day. 2. _______________(他大概知道他要做什么),but nothing specific. 3. We need to live a regular life. That2010-11-26 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(2)
1. It was essential that _______________(我们在月底前签订合同).2. _______________(家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farme2010-11-25 编辑:beck
[六级翻译辅导] 2010年12月英语六级考试翻译冲刺专项训练(1)
1. This is yet _________________ (两国人民的又一个共同点). 2. His scientific works _______________(在英语国家得到广泛阅读). 3. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,_____2010-11-24 编辑:beck