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  • [校园生活] 从孔子到周润发,看古往今来名人中文名的完美英译

    孔子,名仲尼——Johnny; 曹操,字孟德——McDonald; 杜甫,字子美——Jimmy; 韩愈,号昌黎——Charlie; 狄仁杰——Roger; 苏轼——Susan; 王安石,字介甫——Jeff; 唐寅——Tony; 李世民—— Simon; 李白

    2010-01-26 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 扫除个人发展障碍七步骤

    确定时间1. Make a date. Right now. All the good intentions in the history of the universe mean nothing if you don't actually get started. And the only way to get started is to take action, right now

    2010-01-25 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 与众不同的四种寒假生活

    谱写罗曼史Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce. After all, winter vacation awaits you. Get off that couch and begin the more productive life you should be living with

    2010-01-22 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 传说中这11件事可以让人快乐

    每天拍几张照片Take a few photos everyday1.每天拍几张照片 看悲伤的电影Watch sad movies   2.看悲伤的电影做白日梦Daydreaming on weekends'morning   3.在周末的清晨做白日梦 定期写邮件Writing emails re

    2010-01-21 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 对比中、日、韩三国大学生的不同之处

    Over the weekend, 30 Japanese universities took part in the International Education Expo in Beijing. ROK, meanwhile, expects an influx of Chinese students, thanks to new exchanges between the two cou

    2010-01-20 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 大学生遵循"5不要"避开求职雷区

    广撒网,然后祈祷While it may be tempting to chase down every possibility when you're searching for work, don't. Many can lead you down a blind alley--where you may lose the contents of your wallet.虽

    2010-01-12 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 好朋友的5个标准

    可靠1.Dependability – Dependability is underrated. If you are a dependable friend with personal boundaries, you are priceless. Without personal boundaries, many dependable friends get taken advantag

    2010-01-08 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 我的大学我做主:大学生必做的十件事

    读一本书1, Reading the book "Fate Password: 36 factors that decide the fate "1、读一本书《命运密码:决定命运的36个因素》 写一封信2, At least write a letter a year to your parents 2、至少每年给自己的

    2010-01-06 编辑:vicki

  • [校园生活] 青少年睡觉充足不易患抑郁

    英文原文【英文原文】An undated photo shows a man sleeps on piles of books. Going to bed early is key to getting enough sleep and helping adolescents feel on top of the world, a new study reported.(Ag

    2010-01-05 编辑:vicki

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