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[综合] 《经济学人》:飞向未来 Flight to the future
Modernising creaking air-traffic systems will be a huge task空中交通系统现代化进程任重道远THESE days a $15,000 car comes with GPS satellite navigation fitted as standard. But a $150m airliner still h

时间:2011-10-08 编辑:beck

[综合] 《经济学人》:狗用品市场的利润可不是不容小觑
BLISS spreads across Lalo’s face as his glossy black locks are blown dry by cooing stylists. Dogs big and small are beautified for 100 pesos ($7.70) in the back of a perspex-walled van run by Fluffy

时间:2011-10-07 编辑:beck

[综合] 《经济学人》:互联网巨头用低价战略 进军平板电脑市场
Amazon亚马逊The Walmart of the web网络沃尔玛The internet giant’s new tablet computer fits itsstrategy of developing big businesses by charging small prices互联网巨头用低价战略,进军平板电脑市场A cou

时间:2011-10-06 编辑:beck

[综合] 《经济学人》:微软和英特尔各觅新欢
Microsoft and Intel微软和英特尔Wintel swings微软和英特尔各觅新欢The marriage that dominated personal computing becomes more open强强联姻主导个人电脑市场之势日趋明朗Sep 17th 2011 | from the print edit

时间:2011-10-03 编辑:sunny

[综合] 《经济学人》:独立电影的复兴
The revival of independent film独立电影的复兴Scripts, not effects 剧本才是王道,资金不是问题Independent films are at last recovering from the slump独立电影终于起死回生了I’m bored with the radio. Let

时间:2011-10-03 编辑:sunny

[综合] 《经济学人》:酿造商的并购
Brewing mergers酿造商的并购SABMiller’s taleSABMiller神话Heroic Aussie beer-drinkers make Foster’s a tempting takeover target福斯特成为收购目标 澳大利亚啤酒消费者功不可没Sep 24th 2011 | from the pri

时间:2011-09-29 编辑:sunny

[综合] 《经济学人》:老板与员工的意见分歧
Corporate culture企业文化The view from the top, and bottom老板与员工的意见分歧Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree.老板们认为公司对员工关怀备至,但其下属却不以为然。Sep 24th 20

时间:2011-09-29 编辑:sunny

[综合] 《经济学人》:索马里之子-来自非洲的声音
New fiction新小说Somali son索马里之子A voice from Africa来自非洲的声音Sep 17th 2011 | from the print editionCrossbones. By Nuruddin Farah. Riverhead; 389 pages; $27.95. Buy from Amazon.com《死亡髅骷》

时间:2011-09-28 编辑:sunny

[综合] 《经济学人》:钳住癌症的新武器
Oncology and genetics肿瘤遗传学Grabbing cancer by the short and curlies短发卡——钳住癌症的新武器A new technique for analysing tumours promises better understanding and more effective treatment一项研

时间:2011-09-28 编辑:sunny
