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[综合] 经济学人:利比亚统治者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲
Muammar Qaddafi穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲Muammar Qaddafi, ruler of Libya, died on October 20th, aged 69利比亚统治者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲于10月20日去世,享年69岁AS THE rebel insurgency flowed and ebbed across Libya

时间:2012-05-24 编辑:melody

[商业报道] 商业报道:面条经济学
Forget the Shanghai Composite and the Hong Kong Hang Seng. If you want to know what's going on in the economy, go to lunch, and in Hong Kong that means noodles.Lau Cheong Kei's handma

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:melody

[经济] VOA视频:八国峰会对欧洲经济改革达成一致
G8 Summit Ends on Consensus on Eurozone reformsU.S. President Barack Obama says the leaders of the world’s biggest economies are beginning to agree that more jobs and more growth will help reverse E

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:Daisy

[耶鲁《英国近代史》] 耶鲁大学公开课《英国近代史》第9课:商品和联邦-经济和社会问题
耶鲁大学公开课《英国近代史》第9课:商品和联邦:经济和社会问题 1520-1560本课程以新视角概括了15世纪晚期到18世纪早期的英国社会发展。课程中涉及到的内容包括:社会结构的沿革、家庭、区域团体、性别角色、经济

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:kekenet

[综合] 经济学人:小行星采矿 淘铂去
Mining asteroids小行星采矿Going platinum小行星采矿——淘铂去Mining metals from asteroids seems a bonkers idea. But could it work?小行星采矿这想法听似疯狂,但行得通吗?CAN reality trump art? That was

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:melody

[关注社会] FT社评:再创中国的经济奇迹
Whichever way one looks at it, April really was the cruelest month for China’s economy. Industrial production, investment and retail spending were all much weaker than expected. With trade data also

时间:2012-05-23 编辑:Jasmine

[综合] 经济学人:诺贝尔桂冠诗人维斯瓦娃
Wislawa Szymborska维斯瓦娃·希姆博尔斯卡Wislawa Szymborska, poet, died on February 1st, aged 88维斯瓦娃·希姆博尔斯卡,诗人,2月1日去世,享年88岁WHEN Wislawa Szymborska won the world's top li

时间:2012-05-22 编辑:melody

[综合] 经济学人:新兴市场,取舍之间
Emerging markets: To have or have not新兴市场:取舍之间Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles. By Ruchir Sharma《经济突破型国家:追逐未来经济奇迹》,拉尔奇.沙尔曼著 “EMERGING

时间:2012-05-21 编辑:melody

[综合] 经济学人: 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
Sailen Manna赛伦·曼纳Sailendra Nath Manna, a saint among footballers, died on February 27th, aged 87足球场上的圣徒,赛伦德拉·纳斯·曼纳,2月27日逝世,终年87岁THE game of football regularly produces

时间:2012-05-20 编辑:melody
