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- [明星资讯] 细数欧美影视圈最美短发女明星
- 凯瑞·穆丽根奥黛丽·塔图 爱玛·沃森 梅格·瑞恩 薇诺娜·瑞德 哈莉·贝瑞 娜塔莉·波特曼 安吉丽娜朱莉查理兹·塞隆 安妮·海瑟薇
时间:2011-07-04 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 《哈利•波特》同人官配有实证 "赫敏"的确喜欢"马尔福"
- "For the first two movies, I had a huge crush on Tom Felton. He was my first crush. He totally knows. We talked about it. We still laugh about it. We are really good friends now, and that's cool."
时间:2011-06-30 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 法国美女罗珊娜马奎达将加盟《绯闻女孩》第五季
- Blair 女王心中童话般的婚礼也需要成为一个恐怖的噩梦了。CW已经确认,在送走了小J和Vanessa之后,《绯闻女孩》将迎来一名新的女演员,她就是法国女星罗珊娜·马奎达。这名29岁的模特兼演员将会饰演Blari未来的嫂嫂
时间:2011-06-24 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 赫敏性感红唇接受采访,自曝性格缺陷
- Harry Potter actress Emma Watson has cast her magic once again and looks bewitching as a cover girl on the front of U.S. Vogue. The 21-year-old star look spellbinding as she flirts with the camera sh
时间:2011-06-24 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 《人物》评选2011最火辣身材!
- KRISTIN CAVALLARI 《好莱坞女孩》(The Hills)以及《拉古娜海滩:真正的橘子郡》(Laguna Beach: The Real orange )女星Kristin Cavallari在来LA之前可没有对自己的身材那么自信,但是在镜头前呆久了,自己也没有
时间:2011-06-22 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 变形金刚女郎罗茜比基尼封面 秀发飘逸性感妩媚
- 《变形金刚3》女主角罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉日前为美版《健康女性》(Women's Health )7/8月刊拍摄一组封面写真。片中罗茜身着橘色比基尼外套网状可视背心,大秀模特凹凸有致身材,秀发飘逸,小麦色健康肌肤,性感无
时间:2011-08-04 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 梦露经典"地铁裙"被拍卖 价值460万美元
- An auction of actress Debbie Reynolds' Hollywood memorabilia earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic "subway dress" from 1955 movie
时间:2011-06-21 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 2011年夏季美剧最火辣女人TOP10
- 2010~2011美剧播出季已经落下了帷幕,秋季剧集大战的硝烟几近散尽,但另一场战争正在悄然打响,那便是别有一番风味的夏季剧!随着近年来各大电视网在开发夏季节目上的努力,人们的夏季电视荧屏生活渐渐的丰富起来,
时间:2011-06-16 编辑:sunny
- [明星资讯] 艾玛•沃特森首登《VOGUE》美国版封面
- Carey Mulligan was 25 years old when she got hers; Sienna Miller was 26; Emma Watson, however, was just turning 21 on the day that American Vogue interviewed her for the scoop to accompany her first
时间:2011-06-15 编辑:sunny