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  • [娱乐资讯] 王室婚礼模仿了迪斯尼电影?

    Ever since Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, their relationship has been hailed as a modern-day fairytale. But Kate's "commoner"-to-royalty transformation isn't the only thing she ha

    2011-12-29 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 《金陵十三钗》插曲秦淮景歌词中英对照


    2011-12-27 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 盘点Lady Gaga十大惊悚造型

    1 Gaga羽毛帽Jimmy Kimmel Live July 28, 2011吉米·坎摩尔脱口秀现场Our obsession with fascinators may have ended with the royal wedding but that didn't stop Lady Gaga from wearing this feathered ha

    2011-12-21 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 盘点:女明星婚戒大比拼

    These gems have five Cs: cut, color, clarity, carats and celebrity! See the big bling belonging to Hollywood's leading ladies.宝石有五个C的标准:切割、颜色、净度、克拉数以及名气!来看看这些属于好

    2011-12-20 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 娱乐资讯:小苏瑞梨花带雨闹商店

    Throwing a good old temper tantrum in public is a little girl's prerogative — and clearly Suri Cruise is no exception.[qh]大庭广众闹脾气是小女孩的特权。显然,小苏瑞也不例外。[qh]The five-year-ol

    2011-12-19 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 盘点兄弟姐妹齐上阵的明星家庭

    THE FANNINGS ELLE & DAKOTA 范宁姐妹At 17 and 13 respectively, Dakota and Elle have spent a decade in the spotlight, even sharing a role in 2001's I Am Sam. And while the sisters share everything

    2011-12-16 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 素颜扮丑的好莱坞女明星

    The 8 Best Movie Makeunders Which Basc Means Celebs Lookin'Ugly.八个电影中最佳的素面朝天,意思就是明星们扮丑的样子。And after we saw new stills from Vanessa Hudgens "new flick", in Gimme Shelter,

    2011-12-15 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 盘点2011年度最动人银幕之吻

    The Best Movie Kisses of 2011Cute couples appeared all over the screen in 2011!Whether it was a fun romantic comedy, some of Hollywood's best-looking actors got to make out with each other.2011年

    2011-12-14 编辑:Jasmine

  • [娱乐资讯] 娱乐资讯:欧美明星潮流街拍

    Justin Bieber and Selena GomezThe cute couple do what youngsters do: Get a lift in a helicopter while traveling in Brazil.这对可爱的情侣总是会尝试年轻人会做的一切,当他们在巴西旅行的时候还搭了一下直升

    2011-12-14 编辑:Jasmine

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