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  • [娱乐资讯] 描述痛苦会痛上加痛

    英文原文【英文原文】Far from being soothing, words and counselling can actually increase the intensity of physical pain, a study finds。  Warnings such as “this may hurt a bit” or “you might fee

    2010-04-20 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 说"谢谢"有助于增进人际关系

    英文原文【英文原文】Simply saying "thank you" may benefit both the recipient and the person who express gratitude, according to the results of studies conducted by researchers at Florida State Univ

    2010-04-19 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 曾客串绝望主妇,演员Carter去世

    英文原文【英文原文】Desperate Housewives actress Dixie Carter dies Carter made her stage debut in a 1960 production of Carousel in Memphis Actress Dixie Carter, who received an Emmy nomination for he

    2010-04-16 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 布兰妮公开未经处理的真实照片(图)

    Celebrities and the industry around them is often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image。  人们经常指责明星和娱乐圈用虚假的照片来误导青少年对自我形象的认知。  Which i

    2010-04-15 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 英国准王妃凯特曾是明星学生

    英文原文【英文原文】She is known to us as Prince William's devoted girlfriend - and is rarely seen away from his side。  But in her schooldays, Kate Middleton was something of a superstar in her o

    2010-04-13 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 英男女迪拜餐馆亲吻被判监禁一个月

    英文原文【英文原文】A Dubai appeals court on Sunday upheld a one-month prison sentence for a British couple convicted of kissing in a restaurant.The pair landed in court after an Emirati woman compla

    2010-04-12 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 喝酒的女人更聪明

    Those with degrees are almost twice as likely to drink daily, and they are also more likely to admit to having a drinking problem.高学历的女性比起平常人有近两成几率每天饮酒,同时他们也更倾向于承认自己

    2010-04-09 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 宝贝也时尚:老汤哥女儿掀起童星效应

    The Suri Cruise effect: How parents spend over ?700 a year to keep their children in style  苏芮·克鲁斯效应:为让孩子成为时尚小魔头,父母每年在孩子服装上的开销竟超过七百欧元!  You'd be unlikel

    2010-04-08 编辑:vicki

  • [娱乐资讯] 韩国男女相亲常说的三大谎言

    英文原文【英文原文】Lying is more than an occasional experience for many people on blind dates in South Korea。  "I'll keep in touch" is the lie most frequently employed by single people。  Th

    2010-04-07 编辑:vicki

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