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  • [娱乐资讯] 梦露罕见照片曝光 清纯样宛若邻家女

    Dressed-down in a simple white shirt and with her hair plaited in pig tails, Marilyn Monroe looks a far cry from the iconic star synonymous with old Hollywood glamour. 白衬衫,麻花辫,大大的眼睛,一脸

    2010-08-19 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] 安吉丽娜-朱莉将出演梦露

    Angelina Jolie is to star as Marilyn Monroe in a new film about the Hollywood bombshell, it has been revealed.The 35-year-old actress is set to play Monroe in an adaptation of Andrew O'Hagan�..

    2010-08-18 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] 凯特.温丝莱特离婚祸起床戏

    Kate Winslet "freaked out" when she had to perform sex scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio.  日前有消息透露,奥斯卡影后凯特•温丝莱特在与莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥拍摄床戏时简直要“抓狂”。  The

    2010-08-17 编辑:sunny

  • [体育资讯] 贝克汉姆重返赛场 传授宝贝儿子球技

    Back on the pitch: David Beckham enjoys a kickaround in a Los Angeles park with his son Romeo (centre) and two young friends回归赛场:贝克汉姆与儿子罗密欧以及罗密码的2个小朋友在洛杉矶公园享受踢球的乐

    2010-08-13 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] Lady Gaga与前男友水中激吻再续恋情

    周末,嘎嘎小姐身穿一套性感豹纹比基尼出现在一游泳池中,与前调酒师男友泳池拥吻。  Pucker up: Lady Gaga has rekindled her romance with barman Luc Carl  激情水中拥吻:嘎嘎小姐与前调酒师男友泳池拥吻。

    2010-08-12 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] 哈利波特赫敏亮相 清新短发如精灵

    The Harry Potter star Emma Watson chopped off all her hair into afresh pixie cut, which reminds us of Carey Mulligan and Halle Berry'sfamously sexy style. She tweeted the news, too: "I lov..

    2010-08-10 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] 贝克汉姆将开夜店 型男变老板

    今后,大家对贝克汉姆的称呼就不光是“球星”或者“型男”了,他多了一项头衔——“夜店老板”。  David Beckham is a soccer star by trade, but apparently he also wants to add "restaurant owner" to his

    2010-08-10 编辑:sunny

  • [娱乐资讯] 安妮斯顿自认不善约会 苦等真命天子

      Jennifer Aniston has a lengthy dating history, but she doesn't always enjoy her evenings with men. And for the record, she's been known to excuse herself on the sly when things were real..

    2010-08-05 编辑:francie

  • [娱乐资讯] 知道你的手机有多脏么?

    They are pretty much essential, but you may want to ditch your mobile phone for ever after reading this.手机在我们的生活中不可或缺,但你在看完这篇文章后可能永远也不想用手机了。The average handset car

    2010-07-30 编辑:francie

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