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[时事新闻] 双语:Facebook击败谷歌 成美国访问量最大网站
英文原文【英文原文】Facebook Tops Google As Most Visited Site In The USAre Americans now more likely to get content from their friends than random Web sites that they wouldn't be able to find on the

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 双语:中国年轻一代对工作更挑剔
英文原文【英文原文】Factory worker Chen Qinghai frowned as he looked at a tall bulletin board full of help-wanted notices from companies making everything from mobile phones to car parts。  The 19-

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 双语:"蚁族"生存状况引来两会关注
英文原文【英文原文】China's Lawmakers Turn to Plight of 'Ants'A string of villages on the outskirts of Beijing has become the unlikely focus of a national discussion about China's stubbornly toug

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 双语:谷歌"99.9%"肯定将关闭中国搜索引擎
一名熟悉谷歌(Google)思路的人士表示,谷歌已经制定了关闭中国搜索引擎的详细计划,现在“99.9%”肯定将付诸实施,因为与中国当局就审查制度进行的谈判显然已陷入僵局。  Google has drawn up detailed plans for

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 双语:美"反同性恋斗士"竟是同性恋
英文原文【英文原文】A conservative US state senator who has voted against gay rights measures during his 14 years in office has confessed he is gay。  Republican Roy Ashburn came out during a radio

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 中国暗示扩大黄金购买意愿有限
英文原文【英文原文】Beijing Cools To Gold, Reassures On TreasurysChina's chief foreign-exchange regulator suggested the country's appetite for further gold purchases may be limited and offered soot

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 政协十一届三次会议开幕报告(双语)
ROMOTING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGAINST GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS面对经济危机,促进经济发展,同时加强环境生态保护Over the past year, the CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)close

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 全国人大会上的雷人语录
介绍 薄熙来NPC Delegates Say the Darndest ThingsIn addition to providing a fair amount of empty political theater, China's legislative season also allows a rare opportunity for high-ranking official

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[时事新闻] 毛新宇在人大会场外的"长征记"
英文原文【英文原文】Long March: Comrade, Where's My Car?The opening day of China's legislative session is one of the hottest political dates of the calendar. Despite the mostly ceremonial role of t

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki
