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[双语达人] 围观奥巴马:推广汉字人人有责
US President Barack Obamas account on popular social network Google Plus has been swamped by Chinese posts, which analysts said indicates the Chinese publics wish to communicate with high-ranking lea

时间:2012-03-02 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 双语达人:什么是微博僵尸粉?
Micro bloggers: have you ever compared the number of fans on your Sina Weibo or Tencent micro blog with those of your friends?[qh]微博博主们:你曾和好友比过各自新浪或腾讯微博上的粉丝数吗?[qh]Don'

时间:2012-03-02 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 双语达人:关于"闰日29"你不知道的6件事
1.Why do we need leap years?[qh]为什么我们需要闰年?[qh]Leap years are necessary to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. Since our calendar has exactly 365

时间:2012-03-01 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 理性看待"林来疯":林书豪只是中国人借来的英雄
Chinese sports fans had been looking for a new hero to call their own. Their top football league was upended in the past two years by a vast match-fixing scandal (39 players, referees, owners and off

时间:2012-02-29 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 林书豪教会我们的10个人生道理
1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Lin's only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He's also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the

时间:2012-02-29 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 双语达人:未来生活四大终极幻想
Food饮食Lab-grown meat feeds the world人造肉类养活全世界Petri meat, in vitro meat, cultured meat. Call it whatever you like, but get used to the name. Meat produced in a lab (and grown from animal ce

时间:2012-02-28 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 汪星人的秘密:关于狗狗你不知道的10件事
Put your puppy triviato the test and discover these interesting facts about man's best friend.用你小狗的日常表现来测验一下吧,你会发现关于人类最好的朋友的有趣事实。1. Nosy Dogs大鼻子狗狗A dog'

时间:2012-02-27 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] 双语达人:英语全球化的功过
One of the odd stories to come out of the French-speaking province of Quebec last year was the announcement that intensive English courses would be offered to students in state schools. Odd, because

时间:2012-02-24 编辑:jasmine

[双语达人] "羊群效应"才是团购泛滥的罪魁祸首
We might like to think we're not influenced by other people, but a new study into the group—buying mechanisms — like those used on coupon sites such as Groupon and LivingSocial — reveals that

时间:2012-02-24 编辑:jasmine
