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[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:平安无事
154. 她儿子终于平安无事地回来了。 [误] Her son has finally come back, safe and eventless. [正] Her son has finally come back, safe and sound.注: “平安”可以用 safe 表达,可是“无事”呢?不要直译,因

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:我们俩得为这个错误负责
153. 我们俩得为这个错误负责。 [误] You and I am responsible for this mistake. [正] I and you are responsible for this mistake.注:老师常常强调英文中要“先人后己”,但表达承担责任或接受指责等倒霉事时却

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:软心肠
152. 他是个软心肠。 [误] He is a soft-hearted man. [正] He is a pushover.注:心肠软,其实也就是听不得别人几句好话,外力一推就身不由已了。在这里,英文不言局部的“心”,而只谈整体的“人”,与汉语的这个

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:鸡毛蒜皮的小事
151. 她老是为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事烦心。 [误] She is always worrying over chicken feather and garlic skin. [正] She is always worrying over nickel and dime.注:中文里拿细碎小物作比,英文中则用零钱碎钞为

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:当头泼凉水
150. 她最爱给人当头泼凉水了。 [误] She loves pouring cold water over other\'s head. [正] She loves throwing a wet blanket on others.注: wet blanket 在英语中指“令人扫兴的人或事”,而中文的“泼凉水

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:八字还没一撇呢
149. 这事儿八字还没一撇呢! [误] I have not drawn the first part of the letter eight! [正] It has not got to the first base!注:这句话与汉字形状有关,直译成英文真是要多怪有多怪。幸好英文里有一个类似表

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:信口开河
148. 他老是信口开河。 [误] He is always making his mouth flow like a river. [正] He is always shooting off his mouth!注:中国人的这一比喻西方人是无论如何也理解不了的,他们不仅体会不到其中的夸张,还会

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:搬起石头砸自己的脚
147. 他这次可是搬起石头砸自己的脚。 [误] This time, he has carried a stone and let it fall on his own feet. [正] This time, he has shot himself in the foot.注:中文和英文都用了“脚”,可是一个要用“石

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:资质平平
146. 他资质平平。 [误] He has a normal intelligence. [正] He has an average intelligence.注: normal 言其正常,average 言其平庸。貌似一般,但内涵不同,绝对不可滥用。

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo
