[2011年12月ABC News] ABC新闻:芬兰平民党一跃而升成为最大党派
一个被称为“正统的芬兰人”的平民党,戏剧性的上升趋势2011-12-05 编辑:mike
[2011年12月ABC News] ABC新闻: 马克圣里昂研究澳大利亚马戏团的历史
马克圣里昂最初开始研究澳大利亚马戏团的历史是因为自己的家庭于著名的圣里昂的马戏表演有些关系。2011-12-02 编辑:mike
[2011年12月ABC News] ABC新闻:俄罗斯电影导演斥巨资建造电影场景
In 2006, a relatively unknown enigmatic Russian film director invaded a small town in Eastern Ukraine where he constructed an enormous film set that's actually a complete replica of a 1950s-era2011-12-01 编辑:mike
[2011年11月ABC News] ABC新闻:人类为什么总是喜欢自欺欺人?
We human beings have comparatively high intelligence, yet we often fool ourselves. We don't see through our own delusions.Robert Trivers says self-deception is all about the need to deceive other2011-11-30 编辑:mike
[2011年11月ABC News] ABC新闻:军队是唯一能镇压住暴动的法宝吗?
Are armies the key to unlocking an uprising's power? In light of the latest developments in Egypt we look at how armies have intervened in past revolutions.军队是唯一能镇压住暴动的法宝吗?在最新的2011-11-29 编辑:mike
[2011年11月ABC News] ABC新闻:沃尔什街谋杀案旧事重提 新书出版饱受争议
On 12 October 1988 two young policemen were ambushed in a suburban street in South Yarra in Melbourne. They'd stopped to investigate what looked like an abandoned stolen car parked in the middle2011-11-28 编辑:mike
[2011年11月ABC News] ABC新闻:埃及抗议者示威升级 防爆警察动用催泪弹
Protests in Tahrir Square have become increasingly violent as Egyptian riot police continue to shoot tear gas at demonstrator who are demanding Egypt's military council surrender power and be rep2011-11-25 编辑:mike
[2011年6月ABC News] ABC新闻在线听附文本(2011-06-17)
提示:文本转自普特听力论坛(Leading the) news:New Zealand's government says yesterday's powerful aftershocks in Christchurch won't set back the city's recovery. About a dozen more aftershocks ..2011-06-17 编辑:qihui
[2011年6月ABC News] ABC新闻在线听附文本(2011-06-16)
提示:文本转自普特听力论坛(Leading the) news:New Zealand's government says yesterday's powerful aftershocks in Christchurch won't set back the city's recovery. About a dozen more aftershocks ..2011-06-16 编辑:qihui