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[创意生活] 创意生活:钟爱单身贵族生活的5个理由
Still not married? Don't sweat it! You can be perfectly happy while being single and never have to worry about whether or not you have a spouse. Single people can be just as happy, and reap j

时间:2012-04-19 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你轻松设置Wii的多人模式
In this video the steps needed to play two or more multiplayer game-play on the Nintendo Wii are demonstrated using Wii Sports.在这个视频中,你将一步一步学习如何设置Wii机器的多人游戏模式游玩Wii Sport

时间:2012-04-18 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:辨别钻石是天然还是合成的方法
In order to tell whether a diamond was natural and not synthetic, you'd have to go to a professional gemmologist or demonologist for inspection, using a spectrometer or other tools to be able

时间:2012-04-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:瑜伽深度放松姿势祝你恢复身心疲劳
Relax on your back and recharge with this Shavasana, Yoga deep relaxation technique. Practice this at the end of your Yoga class. Or practice during your lunch break or before the evening - you can r

时间:2012-04-17 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你五个方法轻松治疗失眠
Cure your insomnia with this expert advice on how to fall asleep peacefully and prevent restless nights. Wake up feeling refreshed after finding the top five cures for sleepless nights.按照这位专家建

时间:2012-04-13 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你轻松设置Wii平衡板
This video will explain and also show you how to set up and operate the Wii balance board for your Nintendo Wii console.这个视频讲解释如何设置及操作Wii平衡板成为你的控制器,记住,你的Wii并没有过时,只

时间:2012-04-12 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:教你在家轻松制作提拉米苏
Everyone has their favourite pudding but not everyone knows how to make them! However, help is here in the form of Celebrity Chef Phil Vickery. Phil is here to impart some pudding wisdom and help you

时间:2012-04-11 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:揭秘伟大的绳索逃脱魔术
A fun and easy to do rope escape magic illusion you can do to amaze your friends!这是一个有趣且容易做到的绳子魔法幻想逃脱魔术,希望能带给你和朋友们欢乐!

时间:2012-04-10 编辑:mike

[创意生活] 创意生活:街舞专家教你流行舞蹈的秘诀
Hip-hop dancer Emmanuel Sonubi shows you how to krump. Krumping is a style of street dance that originated in Los Angeles in the 1990s.嘻哈舞蹈演员艾玛努埃尔•索努比向你展示如何krump。这是一种起

时间:2012-04-09 编辑:mike
