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- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第23期:不做亏心事才能不怕鬼敲门
- 原文欣赏Easy, girl.What's going on with you today?放轻松点 丫头 你今天怎么了Off to a rough start, huh?真是出师不利啊I was hoping you wouldn't be here to see this.我还希望你没来看比赛
时间:2012-08-20 编辑:lily

- [给力美剧口语] 给力美剧口语时尚篇(32):怎样保持青春与美丽
- 万用句型背一背:1.I'm not going to that ridiculous party.我不想去那个可笑的晚会了。2.In what ways can people improve their appearances?人们通过哪些方式来改变面貌?3.I want to be slim and beau
时间:2012-09-11 编辑:lily

- [欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(156)入职第一天就遭批
- 原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~Every morning, millions of New Yorkers Leave their crowded apartments...and head out to the even more crowded streets, on their way to work. Today, I
时间:2012-08-17 编辑:Jasmine

- [给力美剧口语] 给力美剧口语时尚篇(31):不是每个人都适合时尚圈
- 身临其境练一练:本对话选自《Ugly Betty》(丑女贝蒂)。本段是Betty与她侄子的对话,她在介绍时尚圈里的真实情况,并警告她侄子,并不是所有人都适合这个圈子。万用句型背一背:1.The fashion world is no place
时间:2012-09-11 编辑:lily

- [别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第95期:最失败的谎言出于我们的爱
- 原文欣赏My daughter has nothing to do with this.I betrayed her.我女儿与这无关 我背叛了她You don't believe that.你不相信那些Well, it happens to be true.碰巧那是真的Your daughter's fil
时间:2012-08-17 编辑:lily

- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第22期:金钱并不对所有女人都适用
- 原文欣赏What's your hurry, party planner?派对小策划 你这么急要去哪里Nolan, there must be a hundred women here who would love to play your little games.诺兰 那里有一大堆的女人 愿意你在她们面
时间:2012-08-17 编辑:lily

- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第21期:用于追逐自己想要的一切
- 原文欣赏Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson.你儿子今天表现不佳啊 格雷森Mm. It's not even halftime.There's still plenty of game left.都还没到中场休息呢 这
时间:2012-08-16 编辑:lily

- [欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(155)闺蜜就是要互相支持
- 原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~I'm sorry about the other day. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.前几天真是抱歉。我不是故意让你难过You were right. I didn't wa
时间:2012-08-15 编辑:Jasmine

- [复仇] 悬疑时装剧《复仇》S01E01第20期:金钱不是万能却又没有不能
- 原文欣赏Emily.What are you doing over here?This area is strictly for the commoners.艾米莉 你怎么在这 这里可是平民看台I like the view.我喜欢这儿的景色Mm. So I see.我明白了Don't think I didn&
时间:2012-08-15 编辑:lily